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So the voting earlier didn't really help at all, with the votes for group YCH and simple couple scene being split almost right down the middle. Thanks for nothing. ;P

In the end I decided to go with a simple duo scene. Want to finish it up fairly quickly so I can get back to fiddling with the comic thing, instead of taking like a week on a big group scene. 

When I posted page 2 of said comic on FA a while back, there were a few remarks about the bat girl, so she seemed as good a character as any to use if I'm going with a random character. So here we're seeing a grown up bat gal gettin' it on (made a few changes to help show she's not still in highschool, hah), and I figured, since she couldn't get the deer fellow she was going after, I'd give her a bit of an upgrade- she's found herself a big ole' hunk of moose meat. 

As for the bondage, I thought having her pegged down to the ground using the pegs they keep tents in place with would add a fun 'camping' flair to the bondage. It's a bit on the lighter side of bondage, but I hope that's okay. Not everything needs to be extreme, even if that is good fun. 

I do feel I need to add a touch more to the scene to get the camping idea across... maybe some backpacks in that empty area to the right? If you see this within a few hours of it being uploaded, feel free to toss me suggestions, I'ma wait to ink it for a little bit and see what you guys think. Failing that, I'd certainly love to know what you in general too! 




I like that you don't just have your bats sprout wings from their back. That's a pet peeve of mine. Though I'm also aware that a too-realistic bat wing on an anthro is freaky, what with the giant finger bones and all.


I sorta do both, to be honest, I just like to vary it up. In this case I just happened to go with arm wings, but I'm happy you like it all the same! :P


I like that you went with a moose.


Thanks! :D Seemed appropriate, given her apparent choice in men, heh.


love the tent peg idea!


Maybe put them inside of a large tent ? i dont know man! Either way, this is gorgeous and is amazing.


The suggestion specifically mentioned 'outdoor' so I don't think I can. Plus, there's a tent right there behind them, so I think the tent part is covered. :P But thanks, glad you're liking it so far!


Best camping trip ever!

Growlph Ibex

Oh, I'm happy with this vote outcome...this is coming out wonderful!

Bloudin Ruo

I think the moose is a great choice, but I do want you to keep in mind the buck 'roof rack' idea... It just seems too quirky to leave unillustrated! Maybe try and incorporate it into another piece down the road.


I honestly 100% intended to put that in somewhere if the majority wanted a big group scene, it seemed like it would fit really well in there. But the vote wasn't much of a majority in that direction so I just went with the smaller project for now. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it come up in the future though if I get a chance. :P