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The comment section becomes a dysfunctional police station as Ian Boldsworth bites back. 

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Jim Won't Give Ian His VR: Episode 2 by Jimquisition

The comment section becomes a dysfunctional police station as Ian Boldsworth bites back.


Allen Sorensen

Didn't like the first show, won't be tuning into this one

Maur Razimtheth

I actually found the first one humorous, though curious to see how long you can keep this gag/premise going...


imo these podcasts work better when there's a humble USA voice among the flippant british quips


I'm trying to like it. I've been a fan since the old podcast with Anthony Burch, but this is really testing my patience. It's just... I'm used to Jim always being fair, funny, and kind, but now he won't give Ian his VR? It's just not right. Give him the VR. Just give him a VR! And some money.


Really enjoying this! Please keep doing these.


Loved this nonsense so much I finally got around to listening to the Parapod and wishing I had listened to Jim before when he talked about it, either that or listening to Barry spout utter nonsense dropped my IQ by several dozen points, either way wonderful work lads.


Goddamnit Jim, you've still not given me my fucking VR! Swear to Christ Jim...


This one was definitely better, Jim. I love the way you controlled the exchanges a lot more rather than getting yourself run over on the first episode. After getting glared at on a crowded train for laughing out loud I had to become a patreon supporter.


Fer Chrissakes, Jim! Just give 'im the fooking VR! I don't want to hear you've 'urt your back again.


Hey Jim, if you find that mug photo, I can trace it for ya xD Coz goddammit, u need to get an upper hand on Ian somehow! Guard your VR, guard it with your LIFE!


I loved both episodes. Will there be more?