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Back to the drawing board.

Games we played this week include:

Vampire Survivors (18:35)
Grand Theft Auto V (26:40)
Thirsty Suitors (33:55)
Persona 5 Tactica (39:25)


Podquisition 468: Accident Prone Planning by Jimquisition

Back to the drawing board.



I agree with Steph, the Zelda thing is genuinely offensive. Game Maker's Toolkit on YouTube did a comprehensive series on ALL the Zelda games showing that, in fact, older (2D) games have *more* choice, more complex dungeons, more routes through them, than the 3D games in the series. It's not subjective, here, it's measured objectively based on the number of paths through the dungeons, how many keys you get, other hard numbers. There are graphs and diagrams and everything. It shows that Aonuma *really* doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Or, more likely, that he's trying to convince people that the thing that's making money is the only thing they're interested in. Beyond GMT's dungeon analysis, you can start the very first Zelda game, go to Death Mountain and get the power bracelet, the magic wand, go hunting heart containers, and have the magic sword by, what, dungeon level 5? When has Zelda been linear? wtf is this guy on about? Oh, looking on Wikipedia, Aonuma was brought on for the first 3D game. So of fucking course he doesn't understand the 2D ones. I had already checked out from everything to do with Nintendo earlier this year, and shit like this just reinforces it. Fuck Aonuma and fuck everyone who thinks that way. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be playing some Blossom Tales (btw please recommend similar games)

potato potato also another potato

It reminds me a lot of capcom and square enix talking about fans with similar complaints about Final Fantasy and Resident evil, Like...hey, the new stuff is fun, but it's just...not what I'm looking for, lets try to appeal to fans of the old stuff too. It's why the old comment about "final fantasy disease" was so irritating. Doing new stuff is great, but there is nothing wrong with also going back to what made people love the series in the first place. It's why Dragon Quest 11 was so popular, why the pixel remasters did so well. You don't want things to be stagnant, but change for changes sake isn't great either. It's why Resident Evil is in such a great place right now, they do BOTH, we have classic style remakes (well...closer to classic anyways) AND we have new games in the new style. People wouldn't be so down on botw etc if nintendo was ALSO putting out 2d entries like what they did with Samus Returns remake and Metroid Dread. Give us something like link between worlds in between big open world entries. Likewise, I like FF16 a lot...but it's not what I want from this series, so maybe do a retro style game too (octopath is close but more of a SaGa game, and who knows if DQ3hd will ever actually come out) People LOVED wonder, AND loved Mario Odyssey, give us New Super Zelda bros dammit!