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Despite going to bat for it on Podquisition, I definitely can't say Outlast 2 was a patch on its predecessor. It's alright, but whew, by the end of it I was a little unenthused. 


Outlast 2 Review - The God Delusion

Come to Jesus. Developer: Red Barrels Publisher: Red Barrels Format: PC (reviewed), PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One Released: April 26, 2017 Copy provided by publisher In a sea of indistinguishable first-person horror games designed primarily to make YouTubers scream, Outlast stood out for its grisly charm, tense stealth gameplay, and a consistently outrageous style.



My thoughts exactly. I also noticed the scripted chase sequences were albsolutely shoved down the player's face while the first Outlast only did about 2 of them.

Kravenar Games

Mmm.. going to try it from steam!