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Remember the ol' Jurassic Park Games from the 90s? You'll wish you hadn't! A poorly presented selection of mostly bad ROMs, Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection disappoints both as a contemporary release and as a series of individual games. If you CLICK HERE you can read me tearing into it some more! 



James Rule

Reminded of the shite Wonderboy Collection by ININ Games that was then superseded by a superior, and a lot more expensive, Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection by Strictly limited games. God they really use nostalgia to get their grubby piss stained fingers into people's wallets any way they can...


I didn't remember these games existed until just now and I think I played through the entirety of both Genesis versions. Yay nostolgia.


I remember playing the Sega Genesis game at my friends' house when he got it, and we were all shocked at how short it was. Barely a hour's worth of content (on a first play through) for Dr Grant & the Velociraptor! We all agreed the game had at least some good ideas. You could eat smaller dinos to regain health as the 'raptor, and Dr Grant had a selection of weapons to work with (tazer, tranq gun, gas bombs) but they never went anywhere with it. Just a few basic levels and that was it. And don't get me started on what a 'bait-and-switch' the T-Rex was. The trailers made it look like a major enemy, but instead you would just hear a roar, the T-Rex's head would bust through the wall ahead of you, and you had to stun it in order to pass without being eaten. Once it was stunned, it would just stay there (just moving a lot less) and you could walk past. It was literally just an obstacle.