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I found Alan Wake 2 insufferable. Having completed it and spent time thinking about the experience, I don't believe I'll ever understand what possessed Remedy to make a game that derails itself so frequently and moronically. CLICK HERE to read my review. 



Smooth Shrek

I’ve never played the first one and am not that interested in this one. I’m not gonna lie - it’s always fun to read Steph write something scathing and it is a nice counter to the fawning praise I read in the other review of this I’ve read. Great read!

potato potato also another potato

kind of surprising you didn't like it when it reminds me SO MUCH of Deadly Premonition, and has a lot of it's janky charm. Not to say I disagree with a lot of steph's complaints, those things simply didn't bother me. Granted, I'm also still pretty early on, so maybe things will change. My only real complaints are the aforementioned linearity when adding evidence to the board, and profiling being dumb, though I get the impression that will get a non stupid explanation at some point.