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An editorial concerning the discontinuation of the NES Classic. 


What's Nintendo's Fucking Problem?

The NES Classic is getting killed off... and Nintendo won't say why. I can't say I'm surprised to learn Nintendo abruptly discontinued the ridiculously popular NES Classic while it was still a hot-ticket item. By now, none of us should feel even the slightest threat of shock when Nintendo does something incomprehensible to anybody outside of Nintendo.


Josiah Lambert

Almost fell off my chair when I saw this news the other day. Incomprehensible.


It totally blows. But there is this... <a href="http://www.trustedreviews.com/cyber-gadget-retro-freak-review" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.trustedreviews.com/cyber-gadget-retro-freak-review</a>


Dear Jim. I think it's high time you make another after-jimquisition special regarding Nintendo because of ridiculous movies like these. I suggest calling it: "A classic Nintendo move" P.S. I'm playing Yooka Laylee and it's fantastic. I completely disagree with your review but I still love you. Thank god for you :D


Assumedly because the Switch is doing well now they don't need to trade so heavily on their retro stuff. Nintendo don't have the capacity to focus on a lot of initiatives IMHO. So if they're going to focus their team and resources they should do so with the Switch although its sad to see the NES C go :(


This is their weirdest choice in a history (not even all that recent if you think about it) of very weird choices in the commercial market. They pulled the limited release and slow drip feed BS, and unlike amiibo it worked. It whipped the masses into a frenzy (without eventually causing burnout and rejection). They were winning!


Hmm. They might be releasing the games that was on the classic on the virtual store. AGAIN!


Do yourselves a favor and pick up a RetroUSB AVS or a Analogue NT Mini, then do some shopping on eBay. Nintendo doesn't care about us, Nintendo only cares about being Nintendo.


I got a sttrrrroonnnv feeling it's cause the Switch will soon have 'Classic titles Mike's hitting g it started store, so it's a nice way to make it harder to get the games, and Nintendo can clean up on full pricing older titles instead of a massive discounted bulk system.


A good title. My wife and I still can't get a hold of a Switch. We never had a chance at this thing.

James Jackson

The only -- ONLY -- explanation I can come up with is related to Nintendo Company Limited's insular Kyoto corporate culture, combined with its irrational fear / hatred of piracy. As soon as it was discovered the NES Classic Edition could be easily hacked and have NES ROMs added by anyone with access to a PC, that was the death warrant for the system. Nintendo's imaginary fantasy worldview wherein emulated ROMs haven't been traded online for f***ing decades was shattered, and they would rather screw over all the fans who wanted an NES Classic Edition than enable even one single person to use the little box as a dubiously legal emulation machine. Nintendo makes good hardware, fantastic games, and exceptionally bad business decisions.


I think they are stopping it because it seems that the NES Classic is relatively easy to break into and put your own ROMs into, and since it doesn't have any online capabilities, they can't control it or update it. So, they are going to bin it.

Scotty R

Why does Nintendo make any of the bad decisions they make? It'd be laughable at this point if it weren't so frustrating. In a world full of shitty corporations, Nintendo seems intent on being just bad enough to be brought up in discussions whenever they start doing some good.


It seems to me that they have a longstanding bet with SEGA on who is the shittier company of the two. Whenever things are going good for either of these, they make a decision so tremendously stupid they almost lose everything again.