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Oh Gearbox, will you ever learn? 

So the great minds running the Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition scene decided to compound its ludicrous MSRP by partnering with G2A. Yes that G2A, the notoriously scummy one that profits from fraud. 

How did that turn out, and what does it say of this industry that it happened in the first place? Let's find out together, you POG freaks! 


Bullshitstorm (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Oh Gearbox, will you ever learn? So the great minds running the Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition scene decided to compound its ludicrous MSRP by partnering with G2A. Yes that G2A, the notoriously scummy one that profits from fraud.



Well jim my boy, you dun stirred up the olde hornets nest now. Between trolls on reddit, a group of not so trollish and simply more moronic on YouTube, and I'm sure apparently the entire British nation... you have made some enemies. Or something. I stopped paying attention to the jackass comments on the thread I commented on YouTube, and lord knows what the rest of today will bring via Reddit. Personally loved the video, definitely keep stoking fires when it suits you man, and as always... thank god for Jim Sterling


What is up with these companies thinking that 6 year old games (Skyrim, Bulletstorm) are worth the full price of a BRAND NEW GAME?


Impregnate me.


B-but, they recorded a Duke Nukem voice-over! And injected him by painting over the character he now occupies, with no one acknowledging his presence! That's at least $20 worth of value right there...


I'm a long fan ever since I heard of you from ProJared's top worse games, I thought I'd at least give a dollar for a couple of years of quality content. I know it's not a lot, but I enjoy your work.