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Persona 5 should be reveling in its critical acclaim right now, but it's mired in a bit of bad press thanks to its publisher's attempt to control post-launch video content. 

An honest case of trying to protect an audience from spoilers, a ludicrous overreach from an out-of-touch company? Both? 

Both, obviously. 

Oh, Atlus. You really shouldn't have...

 Bonus Content:  Life Haxz with Jim Sterling 


Oh Atlus, Honey, No... (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Persona 5 should be reveling in its critical acclaim right now, but it's mired in a bit of bad press thanks to its publisher's attempt to control post-launch video content. An honest case of trying to protect an audience from spoilers, a ludicrous overreach from an out-of-touch company?



I have no problem with it im just an average consumer


I'm not going to watch this video (at least not until I finished the game) because I do not want any spoilers. Thank god for Atlus.


I will be honest I'm not upset Japanese devs sometimes do this or a water mark also to keep people unspoiled and clean.


always makes me smile, how outta touch some game studios are


Gonna be honest here, Jim. I don't like the way they are doing this, but I don't actually have a problem with what they are doing in general. Threats, however, make everyone look like an asshole. So I guess I do agree with you? Damn, you did it again. Thank God For You.


The problem I see is that it's tough for passionate fans and games media to distance themselves enough to boycott a game on moral grounds. That's how Nintendo and Sega get away with their anti-consumer practices. I think a petition where a large chunk of fans/Youtubers agreed to wait a week after launch to buy/stream the game in protest would be enough to make even a large company sit up an take notice.


On a different note, where is a good avenue to send game recommendations to Jim for games to check out? I put the game in the general comments section but not sure if that is the right place or how often he reads there. Don't want to post in the wrong place and look like some shill.


Isn't Konami manifested contradiction in fact if, after blacklist it still recognizes your channel by threatening it?