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I've been playing Exoprimal to a worryingly obsessive degree since it came out. While it looks like another "me too" service game, its trappings hide a genuinely wonderful arcadey dinosaur game. You can read my full thoughts if you feel like CLICKING HERE!



James Rule

Looks awesome... but I've already sold my soul to Warframe and I only have the time for one multiplayer time sink in my life.

Slazenger Kincaid

I'm seeing all of this stupid hyperbolic "Capcom is re-entering the dark times" and "Capcom's streak is over" and I don't get it. Why can't they just make a fun goofy game without miserable twerps claiming they're doomed because they made something a little different? I remember the "dark times" of Capcom and the likes of Dark Void and the Lost Planet sequels are far and away worse than anything we're seeing here.


I can see your girdle you disgusting fat fuck.