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Inspired by XCOM and Darkest Dungeon, flavored by Xenomorphs, this is a game I genuinely love to bits... except for the fact it's completely broken. Ever seen a Game of the Year contender ruin its chances by ruining itself? You can see the results in review form by CLICKING HERE!




Thank god the console patch for PS5 is finally out. It still has a lot of bugs (like the x button randomly refusing to work when on the Otago) but many of the major issues like the constant barking commands (they only say "Double time it!" when you are actually running) and alien corpses staying on the screen have been addressed.

Minna Ihalainen

If I understood correctly this would be a prime candidate for wishlisting now and buying it from a sale once the bugs are dealt with. Certainly seems like an intriguing game. PS. Could you please post boston's favorite son on the patreon feed too.


How are Cock Yogurt and Foot Pics doing?


please me this a jimquisition vid! it's such an interesting failure

Perpetual Noob

Damn. How frustrating to have a game show so much potential and waste it all because it's buggy as hell.


So as far as I can tell there are still only 2 good Aliens games? Infestation on the DS and Isolation?


I sincerely hope that at least some of these issues are patched. I love XCOM style games (and Alien) so I definitely want to check this out. Will only be able to play in a couple months anyway so hopefully it's better by then.


Maybe not exactly what you mean but I also really like the "Aliens Extermination" arcade game.


I can see your girdle you disgusting fat fuck.