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The Jimquisition takes time out from personal, embittered, GAF thread-locking drama topics and reheats a favorite kitchen dish - let's slow roast some asset flips for maximum flavor!

From familiar zombies to a tragic arachnid with a great past and no future, we look at the most overused assets money can buy, and warn Steam Direct to look for the telltale signs of a bad, bad developer. 

Bonus Segment: Oh Ubisoft


Zombies, Spider Heads, Hammers, And Menus (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch The Jimquisition takes time out from personal, embittered, GAF thread-locking drama topics and reheats a favorite kitchen dish - let's slow roast some asset flips for maximum flavor!



Glorious as always Jim, I'm glad to be a supporter of your content! Keep up the greatness!


Hey Jim (other people may read this too I guess) I would like to pitch the idea of doing another Jimquisition on Mighty no 9 (Wait, hear me out!!!). I know you already did a Jimquisition on it and I know that you already gave it one of your worst games of the year awards. You are also probably thinking how is this game relevant anymore? Well, that is exactly one of the things that I would like addressed. The Mighty No 9 kickstarter is not actually over. The backer levels had many options that promised physical rewards, and many of those rewards have yet to actually be delivered. Further more, the promised 3ds and Vita versions of the game have yet to be released or even given release dates. Are these things canceled? Nobody has any idea. The official Mighty no 9 webpage, kickstarter page, and even twitter account have not had any activity in six months. Complete dead silence since September 30th 2016. What is clear is that backers have not received refunds for these purchases. You previously commented on how Mighty No 9 hurt crowdfunding and how there is now more pressure on Bloodstained and Yooka Laylee to deliver big. I feel that Comcept's communication issues as well as its literally robbing people of the physical things they paid for is far more damaging to games being crowd funded then producing a bad game, and in that viewpoint talking about Mighty No 9 is just as relevant now as ever. Full disclosure I did back Mighty No 9 but for the ps4 and not at a level to get physical rewards. So I did back the game but not at a level where any of this impacts me directly. I am nonetheless outraged for the people who are effected and I feel that that outrage would be felt by the general public. Thanks for reading this (unless you didn't, in which case you have wounded me deeply and I will never forgive you). P.S It would be nice if you interacted with the Patreon comment section a little bit. :)

Serenity ✨

As one of the dum-dums who backed Mighty No. 9 HARD for many physical rewards in addition to the game, I really would appreciate some answers as to what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe Jim could cover this physical rewards debacle as part of a larger examination on crowdfunded video games.


Hey Jim, could you please lose the mask when speaking more than a few words in the future? Was really hard to understand you with that thing on