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Final Fantasy XVI is miserable. Everybody is a vicious hateful scumbag, everything is governed by a vicious hateful system, and the international pasttime is vicious hatred. Apparently we're supposed to wanna save this world.


Final Fantasy XVI's Magical Misery Tour (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling http://www.thejimporium.com Final Fantasy XVI is miserable. Everybody is a vicious hateful scumbag, everything is governed by a vicious hateful system, and the international pasttime is vicious hatred. Apparently we're supposed to wanna save this world. #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasyXVI #SquareEnix #Writing #RPG #Jimquisition #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames



Damn, that sounds like a really unpleasant time. I don’t think I have any interest in saving that kind of a world.


Clearly, Gorzak is what matters here.

alexander gaitan

Sounds like ff16 is trying and failing to be a Witcher game.

Allen Sorensen

D4 kind of bleak as well. I’m down to play both


This seems to be an extreme example of why I often dislike not having agency in the story of a game. Even if it happens to go the way I want it, there is a difference between actively choosing a course of action over others, versus the cathartic event being just another plot point. And unrelatedly, I am reminded of how some games fail with the imagery in their world design. The Tomb Raider reboot for example, which has so many locations full of mangled corpses that it perversely looses all impact, and by the end it is just another day in the abbatoir.


Those villagers... if contempt was their armor, theyd be really hard to kill.

Slazenger Kincaid

This must be set in even starker contrast when you've been playing Street Fighter 6 which is bright, colorful, joyful and good natured.


Another contender for ludonarrative dissonance.

potato potato also another potato

It’s why I hated saints row 2 back in the day, whenever given a choice the protagonist went with the absolute most vicious, mean spirited, violent option possible. It clashed so hard with the generally goofy tone of everything outside of the story missions and my perception of my created character. it created an awful ludonarrative dissonance throughout that drove me crazy.

potato potato also another potato

Between this and the podquisition discussion this week I keep thinking of Tales of Arise, and how much better it handled a similar world, including addressing a lot of the things Laura brought up about the white savior trope. The notion of a place like rosaria in 16 being the “good slavers” because they didn’t abuse them is a huge plot point of the third area you go to in arise, and it’s treated by the protagonist with the scorn it deserves when that nations leadership tries to defend it. It’s not perfect either, but just feels so much less uh…stupid, in its execution than 16. I still really like ff16 mind you but, stephs critique is very on point …go play tales of arise

potato potato also another potato

It really caught me off guard when I first got to Martha’s rest, until then you’ve pretty much only dealt with other escaped bearers or the already villainous empire, so you haven’t really encountered normal, shitty bigot npcs. Lostwing had a bit of that, but you just saved them so it’s subdued, so you get a good 6 hours into the game before it becomes a focus

Major Ward

FF never interested me but the more I hear about this one, the more it actively repels me. What moron thought it would be a good idea for everyone to treat you like dogshit and have the PC unable to object or tell them to stuff their quest up their cock-hole?


“….miserable. Everybody is a vicious hateful scumbag, everything is governed by a vicious hateful system, and the international pastime is vicious hatred.“ Sounds up your alley.


Fuck the cunt you slid out of Jim.