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This episode's suffering will be legendary, even in Hell. 

There are no rails in sight as we hurdle from sincere divulgences to Metacritic mayhem, angry people, and extramarital shenanigans. 

Somehow, we also get a lot of game chat, from more Zelda thoughts to a hot take on Nier: Automata and more!


Podquisition Episode 122: What The Cuck Is This Anal Bum Party? by Jimquisition

This episode's suffering will be legendary, even in Hell. There are no rails in sight as we hurdle from sincere divulgences to Metacritic mayhem, angry people, and extramarital shenanigans. Somehow, we also get a lot of game chat, from more Zelda thoughts to a hot take on Nier: Automata and more!



Love the idea of a forum


Whatever Jim had, he should have it every podcast.


I think this might be my favorite episode of the Podquisition to date.


Hey Jim! I noticed about 40 minutes in that you were giving (apparent) serious consideration to doing an episode on game modding, with the long-running Bethesda game "Immersive HUD" as the catalyst.<br><br>If so, I would recommend reaching out to the mod's author, who goes by the handle "Gopher": he actually has his own youtube channel and website dedicated to showcasing mods, LPing games, and discussing modifications at length, so he'd be a good person to contact. Links to his site and youtube page are below:<br><br><a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CSCMwaDubQ4rcYCpX40Eg</a><br><a href="https://www.gophersvids.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gophersvids.com/</a>


I didn't realize Gopher did that mod! He's got a voice made of spun gold. &lt;3 I'd love for Jim to consider a video series (or even a column) that showcases mods he's enjoyed. He's previously mentioned the fantastic NCR Ranger armor in Fallout 4 as well.


I still can't get how some people got butthurt over a 7/10 game review, yet have no concern over real fucking evil in this world. Save your DDoS mayhem for politicians trying to literally starve little old ladies. I mean, seriously. Jesus fucking Christ!


Some very funny moments in this weeks podcast, I don't if this is the place for criticism but something that is mildly irritating to me and seems to be increasing on a weekly basis - The interruptions and the descending into the same conversations on Podquisition can get exasperating, I think it only happens enough to spoil my enjoyment when you are on your meds Jim so I appreciate it's difficult to be mindful of all this (not to mention the shitstorm the last few months have no doubt been for you). I don't expect you to never bring up the retarded reactions from butthurt fans, obviously it heavily impacts on you, however you so often address the X% vocal minority who are opposed to you, far more then the percentage of your userbase that they represent. I guess I just hate to see so much attention spent on morons and it does nothing to back you up when you say you don't seek controversy. I've been listening to you for years (but contributing less then 6 months, I know - I'm a monster), I'm not one of those fans who wants Max Scoville days to return, or even Jonathan Holmes days. I like the more personal feel of this podcast, I like to hear about what the three of you are up to in life and how you perceive games/the industry. Gavin and Laura are great, discovered them both through this and I've thrown each of them a couple dollars too - If you could try and cut the ranting about morons to 10-15 minutes an episode that would be awesome though! Hope this is received as constructively as I attempted to make it :P At the end of the day I listen to DJ and 'Movieboyz' and watch the Jimquisition religiously and I don't think the same criticism applies to any of these, you're a good egg Jim and either way I got yo' back. Yours always, Whyfish


What a wonderful episode, watching things just run increasingly off the tracks and into the deep pit of madness. Love the idea of the forums, would be great to have something like that for the community. Keep it up lad!

Book Of Jobe

Best podquisition ever!