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Official statement! 


A Statement Regarding Romine v. Stanton's Dismissal With Prejudice

After a year of lingering and a cavalcade of increasingly exasperating amendments, it is a distinct personal pleasure to finally be able to say that the lawsuit "James Romine v. James Stanton" has been dismissed with prejudice following discussions between my lawyer Bradley Hartman and the plaintiff James Romine.




Mark Patten

Either my internet is crap or the sites buckling under the traffic. Either way, it calls for the Smash Bros announcer going off saying; "Congratulations!"


Looking forward to reading it once the site is revived. Seems for once sense prevailed (unlike with FUCKING Brexit or the Election)


Such a self inflicted, damaging waste


Yes Jim! So happy to hear its over god damn. And may something this stupid never happen again




It was inevitable! I mean really! Self harm only ever end in....., well harm to the self.


It hurts how hard my dick is right now

Nagatsu Seiken

Congrats Jim - I'm glad to hear that this bullshit has (finally) been put to rest. Take a load off, relax - and just let yourself be at ease now that it's over. Cheers mate!


Awesome! Congrats Jim! :D Finally you can be done with that shit.


And thus, the last chapter of Digital Homicide's miserable tale finally comes to a close.


Congrats! F him and his shitty games! Drink my friend!


Yes! Congratulations! I'm sorry for all they put you through.

Josh in Tampa

Congratulations Jim. Sorry you had to go thru all that bullshit in the first place.


Congrats for the win against the idiot morons. About effin time!


Fuck those fucking fucks right in their fucking ears. Now sue them for time wasted and slander. Dooooo it....

Joshua Chap

Congrats man! Seriously though Fuck these guys and their awful attitude. I hope this is a lesson to the fucktards who attempt to do this kind of BS next.


Good job Jim you deserve some peace from those slanderous fucks.

Stephen Ford

It's fortunate a relative joker came after you and not a relative rich joker like Konami. Aside from the obvious relief of this being over perhaps there's some solace in knowing that this decision reinforces what all your patreon subscribers already know... That you're bringing real journalism to a industry full of knit wits to the benefit of the consumer.


Congratulations, it must have been a stressful and irritating time. I'm pleased it's over.

Soren Andersen

Congrats Jim, you are truly a class act and keep doing what your doing. Take solace in the fact that this will stand as an example if someone less capable should face the same unfortunate situation. You have pawed the way and made the world a little less shitty even if it feels bittersweet.


I believe in karma and I can only imagine how stressful this must have been for you for the past year. So I signed up to your patreon, take my money! Its the least that can be done. Here's to a smooth 2017 for ya Jim

Robert Snader

The win was inevitable, and it is awesome that it got dismissed before the proceedings really took root and got really expensive. It is detestable that some nobody can swing by, take you to court for the laughs, then leave you with the attorney fees, but the prejudice dismissal should at least keep them quiet from now on. Hopefully Youtube and Steam take notice that the blatent holes in their systems are leading to much bigger problems and expenses for the legitimate contributors that help make their businesses successful.

Maur Razimtheth

Nice. Looks like the better James won.


About this time last year when I first heard of the lawsuit, I increased my pledge to help out in the little way that I could, with the intention of reducing it again when you won. Leonard French is of the opinion that you were pretty benevolent here - you could have counter-sued for damages and won easily. That's an impressive level of kindness, given that they tried to destroy your career. So I'm keeping my pledge where it is. Enjoy like an extra coffee each month on me.


Prejudice? Is this because of your accent. I personally find it quite charming!😋


A win for JIm, and critics as a whole. Fight another day.


Congratulations, Jim! I'm glad justice won out (more or less), and I'm sorry that this whole ordeal even happened. Hopefully cases like this one will pave the way for legal precedent to be established discouraging disgruntled individuals from striking out at critics. Your benevolence in the case dismissal is kind, and even if it isn't immediately financially rewarding, I hope it proves to be so in time. Thank god for you.

Robert W

Thank god for Jim, and on a semi-related note, thank god for the English Defamation Act 2013. UK libel laws were so broken 5 years ago, a case like this might have won. :(


This is great news! Happy to hear you can direct your time and financial resources fully into what you do best: some of the best fucking video game writing on the planet!




Great news! Glad to hear it.


Congrats for getting the case dismissed, dude. I don't think the DH crew has learned anything from this other than picking their battles more carefully (aka, bully weaker targets).


Congrats Jim. It's a shame this went on as long as it did but maybe it'll serve as a lesson for other developers who try something similar.


Mine sexily?...Oh Jim, let's go get a drink together. Online flirtation aside, I am so happy to know that this is finally over, so happy that I wore my "I'm Jim Fucking Stirling Son" shirt to work today, under my uniform shirt of course because I am a professional.


Congratulations! It was a hard fought battle, and a well-deserved victory. I hope that these two men leave you alone from now on. Thank God for you.


Thank fuck that's finally over with! I can't imagine what it must have been like to have that hanging over your head, even when we all had a pretty good idea of the way the case would go.


Good for you Jim! Seen this type of shit happen a few times, I can concur: huge waste of time and money, and mentally very exhausting. Congrats! Enjoy and relax! A toast for you!


Congratulations Jim, chuffed for ya. Solidarity.


Oh boy. This is gonna be good.


Congratulations, Jim! Deep respect and admiration that you could still do your job at a high standard while still maintaining your sense of humor. Cheers!


Great news!


I am glad this finally is over for you, and proud as ever to contribute what I can to you. Knowing you are loved, supported, and protected (as best as one can hope I suppose) should bring solace, even when times are dark. You were tossed into a fire, and yet you did not burn. You were struck by arrows and yet you did not bleed. No mortal man could ever think that they, such puny and weak beings, might be able to defeat the majestic and beautiful... Jim Fucking Sterling Son. Thank god.... for him.


2017 is finally starting to turn around after the fucktastrophy that was 2016! So happy for you. If you're happy Jim, I'm happy!


Victory for the "The Steam-cleaner"