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American McGee tried to make a new Alice game, Alice: Asylum. However, despite having his name on the box, Electronic Arts owns the series, and they won't let him make it. Let's talk about licenses, intellectual property, and what I like to call "IP hoarding."


Eating Artwork (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling http://www.thejimporium.com American McGee tried to make a new Alice game, Alice: Asylum. However, despite having his name on the box, Electronic Arts owns the series, and they won't let him make it. Let's talk about licenses, intellectual property, and what I like to call "IP hoarding." #Alice #americanmcgeesalice #ElectronicArts #MetalArms #Activision #IntellectualProperty #IPHoarding #JimSterling #Jimquisition #JamesStephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames



IP hoarding is the same as patent sitting. The government has yet to consider it worth regulating, thus the fuckers get away with murder.


This really reminded me of the situation with Disco Elysium, where it looks like the original creator of that entire world, who made the game as a passion project with the help of others in his art collective, got the entire studio and IP of the game literally stolen from him by an investor who embezzled out millions in funds and ran along with his mate who bought majority share in the company for literally £1 without any of the creators knowing for months after it had happened. Afaik they lost all their court cases, so his own world and game has been effectively stolen from him, which is extra atrocious considering how much love and care clearly went into it.


Red Eagle Entertainment stealth released "Winter Dragon", a Wheel of Time "show" starring Billy Zane, on Feb. 9th, 2015 at 1:30am on FXX. Explicitly so the rights wouldn't turn over to Universal a few days later. Needless to say, it was not meant to be seen by anyone.

Alicejack Airheart

As an NB with the name Alice, I LOVED this episode! You make me feel things <3 ^.~ great episode

Jay P Hailey