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Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida has sparked a discussion over the term JRPG, and how it makes certain Japanese developers uncomfortable due to its history of negativity.   

As someone currently on an RPG kick, I'm finding the debate pretty fascinating. As the corn in the basement cries, let's discuss the term JRPG!


So, Should We Stop Saying JRPG? (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling http://www.thejimporium.com Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida has sparked a discussion over the term JRPG, and how it makes certain Japanese developers uncomfortable due to its history of negativity. As someone currently on an RPG kick, I'm finding the debate pretty fascinating. As the corn in the basement cries, let's discuss the term JRPG! #JRPG #FinalFantasy #RPG #SquareEnix #FinalFantasyXVI #JimSterling #Jimquisition #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogame


James Rule

Trying to name genres of videogames has always been quite the challenge. Mostly people end up just referring to a games' genre by the game it reminds them of (Doom clone, souls-like, metroidvania). To that end, let's just call what were known as JPRGs Dragon Quest-likes. Kidding of course. =P


My husband used the term Adventure RPG and I liked that one. Also, loved the new logos and lettering! The acid pink color was amazing.

Slazenger Kincaid

This video was awesome, this was such an interesting subject. Phil Fish was a bit of a prick wasn't he?


I miss Lost Odyssey. I loved that game, but haven't been able to play it in ages because I don't have access to the proper hardware. I really wish it had gotten a PC release.


I'm glad you addressed a surprising but important conversation that arose seemingly off-hand. Some great takes, and it will be interesting to see where this issue of labeling based on cultures goes.

Lasse T. Stendan

Just my two cents for the name debate, the term CRPG (to me, at least) evokes the image of games like the old D&D computer RPGs, Planescape: Torment and modern takes like Pillars of Eternity. Definitely not saying these are "better" or more "real" or anything, just that these are VERY different games from say, older-style pokèmon (I've not had a Nintendo machine since the original DS, so I can't speak on the latter ones).

Benedict Holland

Hmm. Interesting. This is my genera of games and I've been playing them for decades. I view western RPG as being turn based combat based in D&D, GURPs, or something similar. APRGs are not turn based. Diablo 2, dark souls, mass effect, and many more are more action oriented than placing pieces. For me, JRPGs are turn based but the numbers come from no where and placement typically doesn't matter. To this day, I cannot tell you why wakka throws a ball and does the damage he does. Other very common traits are a weakness system, often as a key mechanic, and anime art style. I missed the whole JRPG being bad discussion. I do know that there are tons of terrible JRPGs out there because that is a very popular genre and western RPGs are not. We haven't had a good D&D game in a long time. Pillars of eternity is probably the best and it's excellent. After that, there isn't much. Now think about the sheer number of JRPGs there are. I sorted through dozens or hundreds on the ps5 store. Some will be excellent. Some won't.


I also missed out on the concept of Japanese RPGs being bad… Don’t know where I was at this time… But I loved Final Fantasy and happily gobbled it up whenever the next one came out. And then, of course, the Resident Evil series has been a staple in my game collection. And my family has had every Nintendo console up to the Wii. I don’t think I’d ever played a Japanese game that I didn’t love back then. And I’m happy to say my friends loved them as much as me. I have to say, this was news to me and it’s pretty surprising. Also sad. And it does hit as racist, ngl. Especially that clip… yeesh…

Benedict Holland

But a Super Hydlide or Hydlide like wouldn't be a bad idea. That game created everything. No one played it but no one played rogue either, being a 40+ year old text game. I think it even came out before ff1. I think ff-like would also be warranted but after 6, everything changed.

Seth T

Very thought-provoking episode!

Crissa Kentavr

I remember the term from way before that - deep in the 90s - and always hated that some people pigeonholed it. I've always avoided using it anyhow, but this is a great reason to drop it. (Like dropping 'japanimation' and just go with anime for adult-inclusive animation.)


That was a very, VERY interesting topic you brought up, Steph. I think this makes for a wonderful debate as to the terminology used and what it means to who and for what ends, etc. I've been wracking my brain about it since watching the episode, thinking about what games I'd have quantified as a JRPG and what I would have otherwise and it's a very interesting thought experiment. Ive always loved JRPGs even through their so-called "dark ages" even still so I never really thought twice about any negative connotations associated with the moniker. Well done Steph, sounds like you've really got a lot of folks thinking, myself included. I love it!


I missed the time when JRPGs were considered bad, but I remember when anime were eyed suspiciously. Until the Last Airbender came out and people started arguing whether it was an anime or not, and whether the art style was more important than the origin... Maybe call them Party RPGs? Having a party is imo what sets them apart both from skyrim and from dark souls. Or just keep the term JRPG and apply it to western games as well. Let the J aknowledge the origin of the genre, reminding people that the japanese invented it.


He was always an abusive asshole. Given he got his start in Ubisoft, this is not surprising.