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Yes, we have to talk about Square Enix again. They shut down ANOTHER game after just 13 months, and their scummy president has doubled down on NFT and crypto horribleness. Also, I have a Godzilla pinball table.


Square Enix Can't Stop Being Terrible (The Jimquisition)

http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Yes, we have to talk about Square Enix again. They shut down ANOTHER game after just 13 months, and their scummy president has doubled down on NFT and crypto horribleness. Also, I have a Godzilla pinball table. #SquareEnix #BravelyDefault #NFTs #Crypto #Scams #Microtransactions #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Jimquisition #Games #Videogames #Gaming



Your hair looks great, Jim :) Super cute, entirely seriously. Entirely unrelated, is this the first time you've not censored "cunts" in a video?


1) Good Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs, that pinball machine is a thing of beauty. 2) I don't think I've said this before but the Commander Sterling theme is absolute top-tier pro-wrestling fare - made all the more impressive by the fact that it works just as well for a babyface as for a heel. 3) I hope I don't have to eat me words on this but I genuinely, genuinely think that Matsuda is wrong. Just flat-out wrong. I can totally understand the skittishness after everything we've seen normalised in the last decade or so but this looks a lot like prideful desperation after so heavily backing the wrong horse last year.


Godzilla Final Wars rules.


Thank God(zilla) for You!

potato potato also another potato

You know…if square actually brought over the one live service game people actually WANT to play, Dragon Quest 10, they might actually see some success It’s also notable that the two se games of that ilk that do/did well, are the two that eschew all the predatory f2p nonsense and just charge subscription fees, ff11 and ff14. I don’t like being asked for a subscription fee either, but at least it’s honest