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I'm bracing myself for a fun weekend of discourse as I present my latest review which you can read by CLICKING HERE!

Yep, I've got a critique of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet for you to chew through, and while I hurry to prepare my bunker before the fanbase discovers it, I just want to say I love you all dearly and if I don't come out of this alive, I leave everything to my Boglins. 

Seriously though, a game that runs so poorly, looks so bad, and takes so many steps back from a bloody spin-off shouldn't be given a light touch, right?




Are audio recordings of your reviews on the table? Like, posted to youtube or your podcast feed?

Dion Turner

Before we go any further though, is there an Ekans?!?

J. Francis

My roommate is really enjoying it, but at this point I'm pretty sure that Nintendo could release a Pokemon that bricked her Switch and she'd enjoy it, so I'm not sure how reliable a judge she is.


Its ~10M sales figure is also a lot less impressive when one remembers they sell the same game twice. I also love how you call them out on the corners cut in outfits. The excuse that it's a school only works up until we see other students wearing hoodies to school, so in that aspect, the trailers set my expectations too high.

Thomas Halpin

Great review, disappointing game.


I think comparing the character animations to Jason and the Argonauts is insulting to the work of Ray Harryhausen.


I am disappointed, but not surprised, that the game is only okay-ish. Guess I'll put off buying it until I can get it used, and play Monster Rancher until then!


I'm enjoying it game, but I'm definitely a bit bummed it incorporated so little from Arceus...


You really have a way with the written format. You write really well


Although I found it unplayable in docked form, it's acceptable most of the time in handheld. I like a lot of things about the game other people don't - I think I'm probably a bit mawkish myself. The story is good and Pokémon themselves remain a delight. I think game freak made the jump to 3d too soon and without staff with the right experience. It's admirable that they're loyal to their staff but maybe it'd be better if they stuck to what they know. If this game was made in HD2D it'd be incredible. I think a lot of changes in Arceus would make a main series game too different from what we fans know and love, but I do hope for another legends title too. Extra praise for character design. Rika is the spit of my metamour.