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Our latest review is for Gotham Knights, which you can read by CLICKING HERE!

Gosh, this game is bad. Really bad. Really, really bad!




Keep these reviews coming! Or don't I'm a patron, not your boss

Charles Arthur

On the subject of "Batman is a rich dude who does nothing but hurt poor people"... I think it's helpful to think of him as equivalent to Brooklyn Nine Nine. Both were created before their positions in society were properly thought through by the creatives that made them, both had significant strides made to mitigate that problematic issue, and you wish the real-life things they represent were like what they are, but at the end of the day... they ARE still what they are, you know?


I'm playing through and I actually like it. 🤷‍♀️


Attitude era WWE wishes it could've been this brutal.

James Rule

It's a pity that none of these characters on their own is bankable enough, by WBs standards of wanting all the money. I'd play the hell out of a Batgirl game where you have to make do without Bruce's substantial wealth and training but trying to fight crime. Have it be more about stealth and spying to gather info. Combat as a last resort. You now, detective work, that the worlds greatest detective did in the other games by activating dectective vision and just auto detecting but instead making it interesting and a challenge.


What's worst than a greedy, repetitive, poorly designed live service?... Nothing! But a regular game that shares so much with said live service comes pretty close.


Really fun to read review!


huh. Can you explain what it is that you're enjoying about it?


Sure thing: Bear in mind I do accept it's got issues, and I would rate it no higher than 7/10. I enjoy the night-to-night scheduling of criminal activities, interrogating mooks in small crimes like muggings, to open up bigger crimes such as bank robberies, either that same night or the night after. Having a "Batfamily" game is also a big deal as a fan of the Batman world, and having Batgirl playable from start to finish is a real big deal for me in terms of representation. I'm also a sucker for character customisation, and there's enough here to almost never be in the same suit+styling from night to night.