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On another bloody episode, we talk about why Titanfall 2 is good and why it'll probably fail, we chat Skyrim, and we hate that fox in World of Final Fantasy.

Also - Boglins, Australia, and animals ripping other animals to bits. 


Podquisition Episode 103: Titanf*cked by Jimquisition

On another bloody episode, we talk about why Titanfall 2 is good and why it'll probably fail, we chat Skyrim, and we hate that fox in World of Final Fantasy. Also - Boglins, Australia, and animals ripping other animals to bits.



Titanfall 2 is a titan ball! Like a dance... He ha ho he.....


I feel like I'm missing out on something great with Witcher 3 but I just can't figure out how to get in on the lovefest... I mean I want to. I *really* want to. I bought the damn game on release despite quitting Witcher 2 in frustration at the giant squid fight, mainly because I bought into all the hype around the beautiful open world. But since then I've only managed to put 16 hours into it and every session just wears on me. My main issue is that I can't stand Geralt. I'm playing a character who seems so determined to be a miserable sourpuss that it's constantly breaking the 4th wall of my wonder and excitement at the world I want to explore. In an RPG where I can make my own character this is never a problem, but when my own nature clashes so much with the nature of a fixed character it's a real problem. Secondly the combat is just impenetrably dense to me. Coming from Skyrim, where I have a button that does Left Hand and a button that does Right Hand and a key that lets me quick-select things for those hands, Witcher 3 just feels like too much hard work. And I can't find a difficulty level that balances the incentive to really explore all those combat options with the temptation to find one simple combo and just do that all the time. It's either so hard I give up in frustration, or so easy that I'm constantly reminded of the complexity I'm not using. And I don't think there are mods to help me. I've looked. A lot... Bethesda get justified criticism for relying on modders to fix their games, but in contrast I feel like CDPR initially promised the ability for modders to fix the kinds of issues I'm having with their game, but then they never delivered.


I had the same problem with Geralt in Witcher 2. I never got much past the intro on it (though I bought it years after it came out for cheap). The huge improvement in gameplay and visuals of 3 let me push past that though and I ended up loving it. (I still don't really understand the appeal of playing an "emotionless" character. Very particularly male fantasy I suspect.) I think it's because of it was a very fantasy, roleplay setting, I expected it to be configurable? When I went in with the proper expectations I enjoyed it way more.


Highlight of my week