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Today's episode is about human rights - something Sony and EA seem to be afraid of standing up for. Cowards.


The Political Cowardice Of AAA Publishers (The Jimquisition)

http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Today's episode is about human rights - something Sony and EA seem to be afraid of standing up for. Cowards. #Sony #EletronicArts #Abortion #TransRights #HumanRights #Politics #Games #Gaming #Videogames #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Jimquisition



Rights aren't rights if someone can take 'em away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country, [...] temporary privileges. -- George Carlin

Pete Spicer

Telling it like it is!

Trevor Bond

There was a big push for recognition and rights. But as my grandfather told me, the problem with change is that it always comes apart once people decide their personal change is more important than the group's general change, and the bad guys are always there waiting to fill in the gaps. Seeing 'minority rights' groups splinter into black, indian, native american, gay, gender interest and asian rights groups all bickering and attacking each other rather than trying to improve things for everyone has exposed the tribalism in action. Just like grandpa said it would. Meanwhile the religious only care about the religious and the gun nuts about the gun nuts and so they stay focused.


I am a white male German, so this barely affects me - yet. But lately everything I hear from America is horrifying, and it is horrifying that everything I hear is horrifying. It is so scary to witness a developed western nation devolve into a medieval theocracy. My only hope is that I am utterly misinformed...

Egor A. Palchyk

Sadly, you are not misinformed. And, if I may be honest, people should be paying attention as to what is happening in their respective countries because America is hardly the only ones going through this trend. Italy, Brazil, Philippines, Mexico...they are all examples where political candidates with open fascist tendencies have been shockingly popular in the last five to ten years, with some even running for major political offices and getting a lot more than just token amounts of support. Whether those tendencies involve blaming vulnerable groups (e.g. the poor, women, LGBTQ+, etc.), the fetishistic obsession with "the good, old days", and even heavily hinting at dragging their political opponents into the streets and murdering them. And, those are hardly the only countries where this is happening. SO, it's well worth paying attention to what in all is going on in the country you live in as well as having open conversations with friends and family on such topics. I'm not necessarily saying you have to sit around a dinner table and have a discussion on politics, but checking in with them and gauging where they stand. As, a lot of the practices used to initially pull people onboard are aggressive with their use of misinformation to tweak the facts and stoke the fears of individuals to make them more susceptible to believing in dangerous nonsense where no one is really immune to it all. As, trust me. Sitting down and having a nice conversation with a friend to offer a few minor corrections is going to be infinitely easier than trying to claw that person back out of the insanity after they've been radicalized.


Healing circles! Honestly it's so useless the move for better "mental health support" at the office, when that support looks like reminding us to sleep or go for a jog every once in a while. Meanwhile the most positive influences on my mental health have been getting paid enough and just fucking being trans.


It's not really a theocracy yet, but it sure feels like it in some red states where the GOP is in control and pushing anti-trans bills, trying to make it harder for minorities to vote and refusing to do anything to try and stop gun violence.


A lot of people preaching that new age shit usually turn out to be anti-vaxxers so not shocking that corporate execs are preaching it.