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Bloober Team is rumored to be working on a new Silent Hill, possibly a Silent Hill 2 remake. Fans are upset. I believe that upset is understandable, because Bloober is a real problem.


Bloober Team Doesn't Deserve Silent Hill (The Jimquisition)

Patreon.com/jimquisition See Commander Sterling at the UK's first LGBTQ+ wrestling show: buytickets.at/pcw Bloober Team is rumored to be working on a new Silent Hill, possibly a Silent Hill 2 remake. Fans are upset. I believe that upset is understandable, because Bloober is a real problem. #SilentHill #BlooberTeam #Konami #SilentHill2 #SurvivalHorror #Horror


Fermin Ayucar

There is so much misinformation regarding mental health permeating popular culture - so much so that OCD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychopathy... they are part of the vocabulary of everyone and their dog and they are thrown around wantonly to the point of completely devaluing if not altogether negating their clinical meaning and usefulness - and such an ignorant approach to the conditions themselves and those who have to grapple with them that I wish horror movies/games just skipped the subject altogether if they are not going to do it justice, at least until we are mature enough to handle them.

Trevor Bond

The problem is studying mental health doesn't make you a video game designer, it makes you a mental health professional. Studying tropes makes you a video game writer.


Speaking as someone with actual mental issues I have to say I do not agree with Jim that Bloober Team does not "deserve" SH2, I for one thought The Medium was written quite well and did not feel like it was sympathizing with pedos at all, just saying that abuse begets abuse, which is unfortunately true in real life, R Kelly for example was sexually molested by a family relative at a very young age and that no doubt played a major role in him becoming a predator towards young woman himself, one of his own victims even said on an interview in Surviving R Kelly that "he's a victim too".


Exactly, and i'm tired of this expectation that EVERY single piece of fictional media that brings up mental health MUST be a 100% perfect portrayal of it or the dev is somehow "bad" or whatever.


I don't agree with that at all, I don't think fictional media should have to "skip" over that sort of thing at all just because some people might not like how it was written, that's creatively stifling and I think writers should be free to write whatever the hell they want, just because a piece of media isn't 100% perfect in it's portrayal of a mental illness does not automatically mean it's not "mature", I think that's complete and utter nonsense. I for one think The Medium did do this subject justice.


Plenty of Silent Hill fans did in fact like the movies though Jim, so not really the best example to go on. I'm in agreement with TotalBiscuit on the first film(can't remember if he saw part 2 or not).

Fermin Ayucar

We will have to agree to disagree on this one. In my personal opinion what is portrayed in media is etched into popular culture, and as the understanding of science evolves whatever was portrayed in that media doesn't. Furthermore the public that was exposed to it doesn't necessarily keep up with science either which leads to misconceptions and superseded theories being held in the collective consciousness. I respect your opinion, I just can't share it myself.


Personally I don't buy into that whole Jack Thompson-esque "fictional media makes people do bad things in real life" malarkey but that's just me.

Fermin Ayucar

I don't know where this tangent came from but I never suggested that. I mentioned that popular media tends to affect how we fill the gaps in our knowledge. For an example look up the concept of 'patient zero'. The rest is of your own harvest.

Trevor Bond

Not arguing one or the other direction, I'm just noting the two of them don't strongly cross over. Of course that's what consultation is for. Having studied addictions counseling I more than once have found myself going over articles written by game devs to find what their latest developments are so I know more about them when I run into a gaming addict.

Jason Youngberg

I don't think Steph ever said it had to be perfect. But how about doing some basic research first into trauma and its effects and how to resolve it?


I liked Bloober Team's Blair Witch; it felt like a playable horror film. Yes, it didn't handle PTSD perfectly, but it did handle issues like toxic masculinity with good subtlety. The playable character's personal life backstory post-Gulf War is him being in deep denial about his PTSD and tries to start a normal life only to have his demons cause him to lash out and hurt himself and others around him. It also brought up how therapy dogs can be a real emotional balm for those who need them.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I'm always interested in these talks about neurodivergence, because while I absolutely agree that videogames, and popular media in-general, have a LONG way to go in their depictions, I find it frustrating that people often take their experience as "the default" and when a game doesn't match it, they declare it "inaccurate." I remember finding Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice incredibly empowering and effective, but half of the game's press seemed to want to crucify it for its "inaccurate" depictions.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

You ALMOST made a good point, then you had to go and bring a strawman like Jack Thompson up. Pity, you were actually quite close to a civil discourse. Fermin's got it exactly right, don't tell me "fictional media" is entirely separate from "reality" when you've got US Congresspeople arguing scenarios like the ones in "24" justify real-world torture.


Agreed, gameplay wise I wasn't so hot on Blair Witch but storywise it seemed fine.


Yes as someone with autism it annoys me when people act like their personal take away from a game is the only "correct" opinion to have about(which Jim seemed like they were doing by seemingly discrediting just because he dared to have a different opinion on this then Jim did)Laura is kind of guilty of that at times. Not every piece of fictional media has to have a 100% perfect depiction of mental illness, I was so annoyed when Bitch Media(that's the actual name of the site BTW, not a nickname I came up with) hated on the movie Adam just because it's depiction of Autism wasn't 100% what they themselves were familiar with, but me I was just happy to FINALLY have a film centered around a character like me who I could relate to that I was willing to overlook the stuff that wasn't totally accurate.


No they didn't use those exact words but that sure as hell seemed to be the implication here, and acting like their opinion on The Medium was the only "correct" one to have and that anyone who disagreed was wrong. For all we know Bloober Team DID in fact do research on trauma and just had a different kind of story they wanted to tell, did you ever consider that? I for one like the story they come up with.


Well maybe for some but far from everyone, I know I sure as hell don't get my info on mental health from fictional media, if anyone is seriously looking to fictional media for info on mental health i'd criticize the person for being that ignorant in the first place moreso then the media itself personally. I'm tired of people acting like fictional media is somehow responsible for misinformation and this avoidance of personal responsibility.


You're talking about Faux News though, that's not "fictional media", that's a world of difference so yes I will in fact say it's "seperate from reality" because you don't get to tell me how to think as you are not the boss of me. Fermin's got it wrong IMO Jack Thompson is not a "strawman" at all though, i'm concerned that many so-called leftists aren't sounding all that different from Thompson himself, I remember when the right-wing used to be the ones whining about fictional media and now it's the opposite, and it's not just me concerned about that, other leftists like Ellie Lockheart(who is trans BTW) have similar concerns. For me the tipping point was all those godawful articles expressing "concern" that there might be real life violence at screenings of the movie Joker, those articles sounded like they could've been written by Thompson himself with all of the bogus and embarrassing fear-mongering and those articles looked even worse when the film premiered and there wasn't a single instance of violence at ANY showings of the film period, making those that wrote those articles look like out of touch jackasses. So no my point still stands just fine Tipper Gore.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I'm reminded when a movie uses an accurate, but lesser-known, accent for a character and people flip out about it. There was a Will Smith movie that used an accurate accent for an African nation, but because he didn't sound like "a black man doing an English voice," people were literally mocking it. For being accurate. Just not accurate to THEIR expectations.


Out in Northern California, James Stephanie, but break a leg. Break ALLLLLLL THE LEGS COMMANDER. BREAK THEM ALL DOWN TO THE MOST RECENT GENERATION. BABY LEGS. BREAK BABY LEGS! Anyway, best of luck in your match.