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After tearing into rabid fans, compliant media, and hype culture, there is one final element to No Man's Sky that I need to tackle - its creator.

I've spent time thinking about this one, digging through the archives, and weighing the arguments. Despite honestly wanting to move onto new subjects, I just had to ask...

... did Hello Games tell a naughty lie?


A Video Discussing Whether Or Not Hello Games Lied About No Man's Sky (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch After tearing into rabid fans, compliant media, and hype culture, there is one final element to No Man's Sky that I need to tackle - its creator. I've spent time thinking about this one, digging through the archives, and weighing the arguments.



My take on it is they did not go out of their way to say its just a gathering space sim game. I vaguely paid some attention to it but they did not play up the star fighter aspect or story aspect of the game so I got more and more disinterred so I find it funny people are shocked its more or less what they said it was..... even more so when dev speak needs to be ignored 90% of the time.... Also when are you going to rip SE/Edios over the DXMD re buy-able MT's and DLC? Its needs to be hard and fast mate... well not too fast.... its almost time for fuck SE campaign...well it will be after FF gay bukkake edition launches and its middling at best...

Jason Youngberg

My impression is that he's man with delusions of granduer who got caught up in his own hype and can't see a way out. I wonder how much pressure Sony put on him. Maybe if he throws Sony under the bus he may get some sympathy. But that won't help his company at all. I don't think we're done with the fallout of NMS yet.

Twit In A Hat

That's the second Jimquisition without your hat. What gives?


It was lying. Plain and simple.


Murray looks so uncomfortable in some of those interviews, like he KNOWS what he's saying is bullshit...but says it anyway. He's like one of those sales guys or support folks who's been trained that you never say "No" to a customer and he just can't help himself. So he talks around it, never directly addressing it, and this is the end result - A pile of broken promises and a [Immortan] mediocre [/Immortan] game.

Eric S

Plain and simple this game is the perfect example of don't pre order games that are very vague.


It's an interesting subject that I hope game developers will learn from - I can't wait to see what happens with Star Citizen, since the hype culture behind that game is on par with NMS. (if not worse)

Jonny Johansson

The sheer intensity of Murray's eye-sparkling congeniality and enthusisam in media makes me think a bit of Brad Muir, (previously at DoubleFine, now at Valve), who at some point in time explained publically how his own seemingly boundless exuberance is grown out of a bit of a defensive mechanism, that has in the past helped him out of some dark places, on the hypothesis that a plastered-on sunny disposition feedback-loops into a true one. One could fabulate there being a trace of an underlying nervousness and almost desperate desire to please, in Sean's mannerisms.