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Elden Ring is finally out, and with it has come the same circular discourse about accessibility and difficulty. We're not playing this time.


Elden Ring And The Tiresome Dance Of Git Guddery (The Jimquisition)

http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Elden Ring is finally out, and with it has come the same circular discourse about accessibility and difficulty. We're not playing this time. #EldenRing #FromSoftware #Difficulty #Accessibility #PC #PS5 #Xbox #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Because a11y can make games easier, that empowers developers to make the base game (with a11y options disabled) _more_ difficult without needing to worry about alienating anyone. If hardcore gamers really did want something more challenging, then they should be glad a11y is around. It's precisely because of difficulty toggles that they can get a challenge, and that not everything is simplified. Just as a11y options can make things easier, they can make things more challenging. But this is irrelevant, because 'git gud'ers weren't really in it for rational good faith arguments anyway...

Benedict Holland

I just hate the from invasion system. I have always hated it. I hate having a cost to playing with friends and daring to read funny notes on the ground. More importantly, i dont want someone else interupting my experiance. So in previous games, I made absolutely certain that the invaders were fully logged into my game and quit out. I once did this 10 times within 15 minutes. I then deleted whatever game that was. I really do not understand From. Their games are great. They are challenging and their worlds are amazing. But there are such steep negatives and at this point I just don't think the joy outweighs the hate. Make lots of stuff options. Make invasions optional. Let the twinks have their fun fighting other twinks or just relegate PvP to an arena and stop the invasion systems. Let players have incredible I frames for those with poor reflexes. Enable color blind modes. This isn't hard to do.

Perpetual Noob

Fantastic video Steph! 😃


Awesome stuff. Honestly, I'm glad I got to the point with "video game discourse" where I'm happy just refusing to debate stuff. Being able to say "all games should have difficulty and accessibility options and those that refuse to are badly made" is actually...it's actually kinda freeing.


I agree so much. In any other game (genre) invasions would be called griefing, but here it just happens to be a game mechanic. In practice it utterly breaks the games flow, by introducing an additional - unbalanced - monster that forces you to either rush to the boss, or wait in a "favourable" environment. Or you can confront it on top of all the other challenges. Oddly enough, all aspects conspire against new players. Don't know the level ? Get blindsided. Don't know the way to the boss ? No way out. Don't know where the critical items are ? Your character is even weaker than it could be. Don't know what is important in PvP ? Too bad, the invader is likely specced for PvP. No experience against the regular monsters ? They'll probably kill you on their own ! Playing coop ? You get even more invasions... As far as game mechanics go, non-consensual invasions seem awful, and downright hostile to new players.

Benedict Holland

Exactly. There is a reason only From does it and they should have listened to the pushback and abuse players faced way back in demon's souls.

Trevor Bond

you could have just walked on the screen and said 'Elden Ring: It's Dark Souls...again. Moving on!' and done a video about something else, and I'd have known almost the whole video, lol.

Harry Moore

Yeah I'm of the camp that developers are free and fine not to offer an easy mode if they're focused on creating a core balance, but also the mod community will quickly come up with the easy mode and that's cool too.

Emil Johansen

Left out the games are / not art topic. We’re about due for a cycle of that one, no?

Harry Moore

Think too many olds have died in the last twenty years for that one to keep goin

Dying Breed

You know that scene from “Twelve Angry Men” where the loud old man starts one of his rants, and everyone else is so fed up with him they just get up and turn their backs to him? And when that old man practically begs them to listen to him again, all he gets is “I have, now sit down and never open your mouth again.” That is how I react to people getting mad over the dumbest shit in games.

Emil Johansen

I predict disappointment in your future :( Never underestimate the global capacity for dead equine punishment.