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Discussing emulation as a games pundit can be risky business - it's a taboo subject, and you can't be seen to endorse it even slightly.

However, the existence of emulation ought to be treated more importantly and taken seriously, especially when you consider how devalued a lot of older games can become.

Also this week - highlights from Sonic's 25th anniversary shitshow, and some amusing #FucKonami News.


I'm Not Saying Emulators Are Cool, BUT... (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Discussing emulation as a games pundit can be risky business - it's a taboo subject, and you can't be seen to endorse it even slightly. However, the existence of emulation ought to be treated more importantly and taken seriously, especially when you consider how devalued a lot of older games can become.


Bryan Hinson

Nintendo footage and no Chains of Love? Welp, guess i'm off to youtube to keep the tradition alive.


Fuck Nintendo that backwards ass company needs to get with the times. Adapt or become extinct.


I approve of the David Dickinson pic "Cheap as chips!" :D

Jason Youngberg

I saw the list for the Ninento Mini and there were only 6 games I wanted to try. That's $10 a game. I wouldn't pay that much for a modern tablet game.


Emulators keep gaming history alive in the face of companies that can rarely be seen to bother. They channel the passion and talent of a lot of passionate and talented people, people who often seem to care about old companies' products a lot more than those companies (or whatever odd entity that came, through some twisted, labyrinthine history, to own the rights) themselves do. I'm reminded of all the DVD and Blu-Ray re-masterings that were only possible because independent collectors had kept private copies of movies, the studios' own footage having long since disintegrated from poor keeping and maintenance. Video games are similar, only at a dangerously heightened time scale before their code might become completely unavailable or unusable. Oh, and incidentally: Kuchera has made it quite clear that he holds his own audience well beneath contempt on numerous occasions, so who gives a flying fig what that inflated, closed-minded, self-righteous twit opines about the subject?


I love you Jim


extremely well spoken. love it. Thank you for saying it so clearly and explicitly. Thank you for calling out content ID claims for what they are. This type of video is exactly why I would support you till the end times