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Awards are meaningless. Videogames don't deserve applause. It is, however, the end of the year, and that means trophies must be given whether we played deserving titles or not.   

Join me, then, as your old pal James Stephanie Sterling lists a number of games they didn't completely hate this year. They're all at least adequate. Well, one of them's actively bad. Awards are meaningless.


The Videogames I Didn't Completely Hate This Year Awards 2021 (The Jimquisition)

http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Awards are meaningless. Videogames don't deserve applause. It is, however, the end of the year, and that means trophies must be given whether we played deserving titles or not. Join me, then, as your old pal James Stephanie Sterling lists a number of games they didn't completely hate this year. They're all at least adequate. Well, one of them's actively bad. Awards are meaningless. #TheGameAwards #Awards #ResidentEvil #Deltarune #Aliens #Road96 #DeathsDoor #Indie #AAA #JimSterling #Jimquisition #StephanieSterling #Games #Game #Gaming #Videogames __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



James Stephanie gets my award for best You Tubing of 2021

Pete Spicer

I like how the VIDCHAs could be pronounced “vidyas” as slang for videos, as on YouTube. But I think this is a trend, full of an industry not worth celebrating, set to continue :(

Asterion Del Toro

STILL no love for Ravager from the mainstream games media. How is this NOT the best story-based game of 2021? Is early access still disqualifying, or is the audience just biased against dragon porn?


Thank you for shitting on everything and everyone involved with the videogame awards.


Thank god for you, Jim. You are a moral compass for an industry that is lost at sea. That may sound hyperbolic or sarcastic or "ironic" as the kids say these days, but I'm 100% serious.


My vote for Game-Journalist 2021 goes to James Stephanie Sterling.

Tyler Schuster

The only awards i care about :3


Ohh, I was waiting for this one!


James Stephanie Sterling rocks the bells. Brings truth to power. Saves the world. Drags us all, kicking, screaming, drenched in the mucus of our own discontent, blind in the morass of our own hubris, into the glowing aura of their perfect, dessication. That we might see, and thank GOD for Stephanie!


(Seriously family, I love you, have forever and respect the ever living fuck outta yah. I'll have your back for as long as you keep fighting boss. ✊)

Benedict Holland

Anthem should get a special award as "game that is still around somehow but it is still garbage." Also deaths door is a great game.


If we all just had a Vampire Domm-ie Mommy to choke us ... politics would be much better. Step on me uWu. Because all the puritans can just be turned into gay vampires. Or vampires who happen to be gay. Then we all find our salvation being face crushed by Vampire Mommy legs


Thank God for you. I always look forward to your Best Games of the Year videos in order to know what I should pick up from the past year. I'm glad you didn't force yourself to round things up to "the best" in order to flesh out a list. If nothing is inspiring, then that's just how it is. Forcing a list together when you didn't feel passionate about anything in particular would have watered down the accolades you've given to other stuff. So thanks for being the best games critic out there.