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Kotaku got itself told off by the gaming community for allegedly encouraging piracy. This is because it wrote about Metroid Dread being emulated in 4K, a news story that is news.

   Meanwhile, Nintendo has made a great case for emulation by offering a premium subscription service that offers access to a selection of easily obtainable ROMs. The value just isn't there.  

So, let's talk about emulation, Nintendo, and why companies need to better rather than expect us to pretend downloadable alternatives to their own storefronts don't exist.


Why Emulating Nintendo Games Is Good, Probably (The Jimquisition)

http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Kotaku got itself told off by the gaming community for allegedly encouraging piracy. This is because it wrote about Metroid Dread being emulated in 4K, a news story that is news. Meanwhile, Nintendo has made a great case for emulation by offering a premium subscription service that offers access to a selection of easily obtainable ROMs. The value just isn't there. So, let's talk about emulation, Nintendo, and why companies need to better rather than expect us to pretend downloadable alternatives to their own storefronts don't exist. #MetroidDread #Nintendo #Piracy #Emulators #ROMs #NintendoSwitch #Metroid #JimSterling #Jimquisition __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



It would be one thing if they at least offered you to 'purchase' said older games they refuse to re-release; instead we get the 'privilege' to play it on loan from them under a subscription. Freaking grotesque... I need to get back into emulation but I hope I can find the roms I want without to many issues.


Oh dear, I think I hear the rumblings of a tidal wave of boiled piss from angry gamers fast approaching.


Ironically, if Nintendo had just done the "audience friendly strategy" of offering a large library of old games on the EShop for 5-10 bucks a piece and offering combo deals for multiple games in a series (eg pokemon rs&e for a single price of like 20 bucks or all 3 Pikmin titles for the same peice) they'd likely be literally swimming in an ocean of cash right now and drowning in praise and undeserved adulation from their horrid little audience.


No, Steph. ZOOL is not bad. It's got ChupaChups in it. How dare you. (I played it over 25 years ago, can't remember much of it really)

Jason Youngberg

When will people understand that corporations are not your friends and do not need you to defend them?

Michael Bowerman

Lol I'm reading this before watching the video but I want to play Zool again (I bet it's awful but I have good memories of it too)


James, this is a video-length example of one of my bugbears. You kept using the words "emulation" and "piracy" as if they are synonymous, which they are not, and talking as if they are confuses people and clouds the issue. "Emulation" is a technical term, and it means a computer pretending to be a different computer. That's it. That's all it means. Emulation is, and has always been, perfectly legal. "Piracy" IN THIS CONTEXT is the act of obtaining copies of copyrighted material which were made without the permission of the copyright holders. It's a legal issue that has nothing to do with emulation. The NES, SNES, N64, and Mega Drive games on the Switch are all running in emulators, but this isn't piracy because it's done with the permission of the copyright holders. Downloading a ROM from the Internet and playing it on an emulator is piracy, because you're making a copy without the permission of the copyright holders. Downloading a ROM from the Internet and playing it on a flash cart is also piracy. This involves no emulation, but is exactly as illegal and exactly as moral as if that ROM was played on an emulator, for the exact same reasons. The controversy here is over *piracy*, not *emulation*. OK?


Switch is poopoo sometimes :) ❤️

Silver Huskey

It's a bit on the technical side, but it seems like a fair critique to me.


The controversy is over both *piracy* and *emulation*. While I agree the two are conflated more than they should be, playing older games on a third-party emulator oftentimes requires piracy. You can track down old devkits and try to dump your old carts to the dusty Amiga in the basement, but that's asinine to think anyone is going to actually do that. The controversy here is over the people who pearl clutch because they think it's somehow immoral to pirate media just so they can enjoy it on modern hardware. While it's legally wrong, the case is being made that it's probably morally fine, especially with older ROMs. Kotaku's article made no case one way or the other, and simply reported on a neutral fact that you can play Metroid Dread in 4k.

Crissa Kentavr

Piracy is not having copies made without permission - permission is irrelevant if you have the right to a copy. Piracy is distributing to those without the right.


In paintball we use Markers, these are there Official name, they are not guns, yet people call them Paintball Guns, almost all Paintball Players understand that people call them Paintball guns, despite he fact they are Paintball Markers, there are even Paintball Marker sellers who call them guns, which they aren't. In Life sometimes you have to accept that peole will say one thing and mean another, this needs to be learned by everyone hopefully today you just learned this lesson, if not, well good luck to ye.


Just wondering which model Anbernic you have Steph?

Emil Johansen

I pay my subscription fees to the patreons-like setups of the various emulator teams so that hopefully the whole process will be simple enough for my lazy beehind to go through when my consoles finally give up the ghost. I’m one of those weird physical copies people. I just want the thing I bought & put in a drawer to work when I feel like playing it.