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John Gibson, former CEO of Tripwire Interactive, is a lover of horrible things, especially fascistic oppression of other peoples' bodily rights.

His statement in support of Texas' recent horrific abortion ban was abhorrent and was quickly received as such. Also, both Gibson's beliefs and the beliefs espoused by his nu metal Christian band demonstrate the hypocrisy of self-styled freedom lovers.

So let's chat about that mess!


The Man Who Loved An Abortion Ban (The Jimquisition)

New merch store! http://www.thejimporium.com http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling John Gibson, former CEO of Tripwire Interactive, is a lover of horrible things, especially fascistic oppression of other peoples' bodily rights. His statement in support of Texas' recent horrific abortion ban was abhorrent and was quickly received as such. Also, both Gibson's beliefs and the beliefs espoused by his nu metal Christian band demonstrate the hypocrisy of self-styled freedom lovers. So let's chat about that mess! #Tripwire #KillingFloor #Twitter #Christianity #Abortion #Texas #Games #Gaming #JimSterling #Jimquisition __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Shapie Starberrie

Watch what you say on twitter, Cause that's how attract hornets.

Minna Ihalainen

I've been playing quite a bit of killing floor 2 in the last couple of years. I always got the feeling that some of the creative decisions were a bit weird and this kinda explains it. You can play as a literal cryogenically preserved nazi in that game about shooting zombies in the future. The game is also littered with sonnenrads and the backstory to the game is that a nazi super scientist did the zombies. All of this contributed to it feeling a bit off for me, but i just figured that the devs were trying to be edgy for the sake of edgyness. The gameplay is still solid, but i probably won't play it ever again in light of this situtaion. (Btw that nazi super scientist character looks exactly what i imagined dr. Nightscream would look like.)

Fermin Ayucar

You cannot take your eyes off these people or they will rekindle the ovens. Pro-life my arse. It disgusts me that they have appropriated the word life.


I do heart You but I disagree. Abortion may be necessary but it's not good. Those fuckers in texas are definitely BAD and don't give a shit about babies. Or life.


A woman's right and responsibility of her body and everything within it belongs soley, completely and always to that same women. End of Diskussion.

Thomas Halpin

The wealthy have been trying to oppress and exploit the poor by taking away their access to contraceptives and safe abortions for generation after generation.


God sure does side with assholes often. Almost like He's a dick. Or possibly doesn't exist and is just proxy for people's own toxic views. 6:38 - I mean, I'm more of a Thrust https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Thrust_(G1) fan myself... Also, have you seen this freakin' STARSCREAM?! https://amzn.to/3hsD8bc Anyway, anyway, anyway, I digress 6:51 - best fuckin' part of that movie, mate. Also, he didn't *really* do it just to be a dick, but to make the cultists kick her out of the church for being "tainted"


Yeah - should probably have been abortion RIGHTS good. I won't hold it against them

Benedict Holland

Abortion is not the first option but republicans have systematically removed every other option and now this one. Sex Ed must only be abstinence only, contraception should not be given to minors in schools, the pill requires parental permission, plan b is prescription only, requires parental notification or is simply illegal, close down all of the clinics where you can even talk about family planning, and now finally just an abortion ban. You don't get it all. Abortion is BAD!!!!!!! sure. So provide extensive supports to ensure they don't happen and extensive support for parents. But also, some abortions are good. Some are what is absolutely required. And you can't decide or even nearly separate the good abortions from the "bad" abortions. So maybe they are fine and maybe you know enough about you would do if presented with a malformed fetus that will live for 2 days to 4 weeks outside of the womb. Really, what this is in total is a punishment for women who dared to embrace their sexuality. Sex is not fun, enjoyable, or something that people share. It is shameful and the punishment must be pregnancy and a child. This is a way to inflict punishment on a sinner, hence all of the talk about "just shut your legs", which is possibly the worst advice you can give to anyone. It's much better to teach people about condoms and the pill but we can't have that because then sex can't result in a punishment.


Great video. This pos needs to be blasted on every forum. These turds all think "freedom of speech" means they're free from consequences. The rat bastards. I am also pro-abortion. I have a dick. Not my place to tell a woman what to do with her body, nor is it anyone else's. Proud of yah Jim 👍 Thank god for you!


You and I agree more than you realize. Please don't try to tie me to any of those fuckers. My views were clearly expressed. I'm actually more interested in carrying James Stephanie's groceries.


Great another reason we can’t have nice things. Frankly I wouldn’t be surprised to see companies try to abuse the fact that America has granted corporations the full rights of citizenship (naturally) regarding the right to privacy. Whichever view wins out in the latest discussion, that’s a potential followup I don’t want to see happen. It would be a fresh relief to be able to see this issue with more clarity and less entangled “what-about-isms”. Prudence demands I focus on building support to fight a distinct target as a common enemy rather than a war on a concept. I am obliged to hold a contrary view and view contraceptive commercialization as a slippery slope when we live in a country that will give corporations the rights of citizenship while stifling attempts to fix legal sanctions of transphobic violence. Let’s hope we don’t see companies ululating loopholes for justifying the present state but more so. Should I be kicked from offering Patreon support? It would be shitty for me to just decide to walk away and ignore how you continue focusing on trying to pressure the games industry to change for the better. Obviously the root of the problem is that various sociopolitical and socioeconomic institutions make bad faith arguments to resist empowering women and having a culture that offers more attention and openness is the systemic underlying issue to address. Thanks for not not backing down in that regard by the way. It feels like my hands are tied. Here’s to hoping for boldness, better understanding and release. P.S. While I’m not allowed to bash him for standing behind a belief and exercising free speech, it’s unprofessional to put employees under the umbrella of a personal political belief. Also, Christian Metal? We already have U2, it’s not like there’s no precedent for making broadly enjoyable music with unapologetic Christian allegories.