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Hi you luvverly patrons! As I type this, I'm in a hotel room with a tummy full of the metaphorical butterflies (contrary to rumors, I do not eat butterflies). I've got the nerves because after 15 months away, my rasslin' home, Ryse, is back.
I have the pleasure of broadcasting the event, at which I'll be doing my villainous doings, on my own Twitch channel at 7:30pm ET, with a pre-show hosted by Laura Kate Dale at 7:00pm.

It all goes down at twitch.tv/JimSterling

It always means the world to me when people show out for my wrestling world antics, so if you've got nothing going on, do please come on by! We'll have fantastic fighting, and I'll be getting my Grand Championship back, definitely!

Thank y'all as always for your support, especially during a week where The Gamers (tm) are treating me like the queen of all heels, it's gonna be nice to heel it up in the traditional sense 😅

Take care and thank you!
James Stephanie Sterling ❣️


jimsterling - Twitch

Thank God for me!


Julia Z.

I’ll try to be there, but for me that’s like 1:30 AM :(


Looking forward to Ziggy Haim doing the right thing and returning the Ryse Wrestling Grand Championship. She's a nice person. She will do the right thing, because it is right.

Alicejack Airheart

I'm so excited for this I can't even tell you!! ^__^


Not really into Wrestling but I wish you well, have a good one and Good Luck!


I will watch this! When I was first married (in 1968!), my husband was in the Air Force and stationed near Miami, Fla. We would go to the wrestling matches a lot...this was in the early Vince McMahon days, I guess. Sometimes they'd have free meets outside and we'd bring lawn chairs and watch greats like Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, Larry Zbysco, and others. Vince used to make his wrestlers do double duty...there was one guy who presented as a 'good guy' but not a very good wrestler, basically cannon fodder for anyone else Vince liked. Then he'd put on a mask a few matches later and wrestle as a 'bad guy' who was an excellent wrestler. Apparently, fans were expected not to notice (or be too polite to mention) that he had very easily identifiable tattoos on his chest and arms. HAHAHA God, those are happy memories, for me anyway. My hubby passed away 10 years ago but I still smile remembering those wrestling matches. (and yes, I know that Vince is not remembered with love, but his folks put on a helluva show)

Paul Kasinski

Thank god for you indeed!!!


Wait, if you didn't eat the butterflies then how did they get in your tummy?! Joking aside I may check it out but I think I have a prior engagement...


I’ve been looking forward to this since it was announced. I will definitely be at the stream.


What's that in GMT?

Pete Spicer

Midnight GMT is a bit late for me to be getting into anything but I just wanted to say all the best, hope this goes well and that all present have a thundering blast of a time!


That match against Craig the Intern shows why Commissioner Commander Sterling deserves grand champion status. Anybody else in that ring and it would have been a bloodbath, only the Commander could have tamed that lunatic.


What a great show! I cannot wait to see how Commander Sterling gets Their revenge on Ziggy Haim.


Absolutely fantastic show by one and all; I'm sorry the commentators decided to go into business for themselves in the worst way possible, and during such a conceptually stellar comedy match too. Fuck that guy, and fuck all the assholes "well ackshully"ing about how this could toooootally be a heel work, it's such an insult to you and all the folks at Ryse who aim above cheap heat like that. This is unrelated (apologies), but I thought it might make you happy to hear in terms of community solidarity: was thinking about Billy Martin the other day, a writer whose most successful goth/outsider stuff from the early 90s is still tied to his pre-coming out penname Poppy Z Brite (and boy can you tell he was closeted, the way he wrote about AFAB bodies back then). I guess I bring it up to say that you've got a long history of solidarity of trans artists who've had to struggle with having #Brands follow them around after coming out, and I really admire the bravery you have sticking out the hellish shitshow of being Trans Online (or anywhere), and building such a lovely community out of the ashes. Be well.