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No Man's Sky is retailing for $59.99 and people have some angry concerns over the price tag. That folks are skeptical of the standard rate is good... but they're skeptical for the wrong reasons.

Let us not think like "AAA" companies when it comes to indie games and their place in the world. If we're going to look at pricing models, let's not miss the forest for the trees.


No Man's Price (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch No Man's Sky is retailing for $59.99 and people have some angry concerns over the price tag. That folks are skeptical of the standard rate is good... but they're skeptical for the wrong reasons. Let us not think like "AAA" companies when it comes to indie games and their place in the world.



Speaking of pricing, what are your thoughts about people who buy Superhot, finish the main story, and then refund it, claiming less than 2 hours isn't worth 20 moneys? Like this highly thumbed up Butts gentleman over at the comment section of ggmanlives' review <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKT6Ngsv6es" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKT6Ngsv6es</a>

Ash Rose

I'm not going to pre-order... but from what I've seen I will be taking the rare step of paying full price at launch for this, for a long time i have really wanted a more contemplative exploration game that's much more about the stuff i can can explore and look at than what i can shoot. The fact that it's a moonshot from a cool bunch of devs, well, I'm on patreon for a reason! I AM in an odd position though, years of massive discounts and humble bundles mean i have more games than i could perhaps ever actually complete, a good portion of which are multi hundred hour GOTY affairs, to say what i can spend on games is limited is beside the point, i don't need to play anything when it comes out, i need to pay money for something because i want to see more things like it. and even if it's a butt No Mans Sky's hype alone is going to inspire some people to make game like it and that's good.


I like the pink tie. It goes well with the overall color without giving me the vague, "Wait, are my color balances off?" that the orange gave me. (Yeah, this is the highly-stimulating message I'm taking from this week.)


Ooo, is that staff new? You look good wielding it.


PvsZ Has micro-transactions? Gee, who could have seen that coming.

Jason Youngberg

My computer can't handle the system requirements. So that's my excuse for not hyping it. It will give me a chance to see the reviews and learn more about the game before buying.


Well said, Jim. I've taken what you've proposed to heart for years now; I have no problems paying full price for an indie game or small niche game (see American Truck Sim) that appeals to me, and will happily buy the DLCs for them because they are usually quality items crafted by small teams that truly care about what they are producing and it shows. The "AAA" games on the other hand I almost always wait 6 months or more to get at a 75%+ off sale on Steam, and usually can get the Deluxe or GOTY package that has all the DLC included that should have been in it in the first place to make it a complete game, because fuck them.


$60 sounds like a fair price for something that's known as one of the "Holy Grail"s of gaming, if you ask me anyway. But no I agree, NMS is pretty much 95% hype and 5% substance so far.