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The Jimquisition joins the throng of YouTube content makers asking a very simple question - where's the fair use?

YouTube has been going into takedown overdrive this year, and there's a palpable fear among video makers as they wonder who's next.

It's gotten beyond ridiculous.


Where's The Fair Use? (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch The Jimquisition joins the throng of YouTube content makers asking a very simple question - where's the fair use? YouTube has been going into takedown overdrive this year, and there's a palpable fear among video makers as they wonder who's next. It's gotten beyond ridiculous.



Fuck Nintendo

Antti Helin

I am liking the 1990s British police procedural theme song.


Keep fighting the good fight, Jim. <3

Hugo's Desk

This is your best video so far Jim, congrats for an amazing work. This is a shameful and I hope You Tubs steps up. Maybe we should all go to Vimeo??? Any other platform available?


I had Monday and Tuesday off this week and thought it was Monday again when I saw this. Thanks for confusing me, Jim. :P Meanwhile, #fucknintendo


Begs the questions as to why no one has stepped up to try and fight you tubes hold on the video market. If non of the other channels are willing to take the customers away from YouTube then one will have to be made to replace it from the ground up. It wouldnt be over night but if the customer service was even a little bit fairer the YouTubes current setup then people would leave in droves.


So what happens if two (or more!) companies feel they have equal claim? Some kind of thunder dome? Do they repeatedly keep content-id-ing each other? Is it simply the first one across the gate wins? My thinking is- wouldn't this suggest the whole system is simply flawed?


Seriously. I have no idea how Nintendo gets away with pulling the same amount of shit that all the other big groups do.


Excellent song cover :-D


Given your previous praise of the changes happening at YouTube, I was wondering when your address this. I wonder what made them backslide so hard, as it seemed so hopeful not too long ago...


Is Youtube really the only/best game in town today for what most creator's do?


How many times have you danced in the mirror to that song Jim... After that I'd guess at least 6-7 times. Ps. Awesome


The problem with that is getting investment. Running a video hosting site is a long way from cheap. If you plan on making profit via some niche or gimmick that YouTube doesn't cover (like Vine), then you'll get investment but you won't structure the site right to take over YouTube's game. If you *do* structure it right to be the Big Post-YouTube Video Sharer, then no-one will invest in you, because your plan for profit will basically be "beat YouTube, then make money". People don't tend to invest in plans which start with "Kill the main competitor first, then...". Shame though, because we really could do with a viable alternative.


So this may be a bit out there, but maybe youtube content creators could band together and form something like a union? Or invest in a group of lawyers? I know the for a lot of people in the Music industry (i.e., musicians who don't have other jobs but aren't big super stars) have organizations that helps their members (people like the previously mentioned musicians) get health care and legal help. I know this is poorly worded, but maybe if enough content creators got together to form an organization like that, it could help combat these types of ridiculous and arbitrary road blocks.