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Animal Crossing? Not a real game. Pokémon? Not a real game. Anything that doesn't use a PS4 controller? Can it be called anything close to a game?   

Duke Amiel H'ardcore is back to share a classic in gamer gatekeeping, as we learn how many hours a REAL gamer puts into their playtime. After all, if it's not a job, it's not a game!


No, You're NOT A Gamer! (Commentocracy)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Animal Crossing? Not a real game. Pokémon? Not a real game. Anything that doesn't use a PS4 controller? Can it be called anything close to a game? Duke Amiel H'ardcore is back to share a classic in gamer gatekeeping, as we learn how many hours a REAL gamer puts into their playtime. After all, if it's not a job, it's not a game! #Gamers #Hardcoregamers #Commentocracy #DukeAmiel #JimSterling #Comments #DramaticReading #Videogames #Memes #Gaming #AnimalCrossing #PS4 #TheSims #Pokemon __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Thomas Halpin

Another fantastic performance by the Duke!


The Duke is back!



Benedict Holland

Your makeup budget is fully justified. I also agree with the mobile statement. Mobile apps are money extraction tools, not games. They simply mimic games and they might feel like games but make no mistake, they are a application that exists only to extract wealth from you. Providing joy, fun, or any sense of accomplishment is a tool that they use to extract even more money.

Ben L.

How fucking empty does your life have to be to gatekeep who can consider themselves gamers.


Agree with the sentiment ~90%. Was def true for a solid decade but given there are some legit premium games on mobile now like Downwell, Exit the Gungeon, Skate City, Donut County, Monument Valley, etc, there is some definite room for argument there. But yeah, the majority of the mobile market is free-to-pay manipulation software masquerading as games and it's just yuck. EDIT: Shoutout to Overland iOS as well!


I'm starting a gofundme to buy The Duke an actual lordship plot of land in Scotland.


It's this hilarious, rationally-paradoxical combination of an empty life and yet the arrogance to assume that anyone, anywhere would care who they think is and and isn't a "real gamer" (whatever they even think that phrase means). Jim's characterisation really couldn't be more spot on.


Looks like Hardcore's back on the menu, boys!


I'm sure he puts 300+ into his yearly physical as well.


Still kicking myself for not buying an h'Ardcore Gamer shirt when I had the chance.

Lea Chinelo

Thank god for the duke.

Pete Spicer

100% can confirm legit "I am also not a real gamer".

Perpetual Noob

So happy to see the Duke return in all their beautiful glory! 😃


Sterling baby is... I mean, “Amiel baby” is downright terrifying, yet made me laugh so hard. 😆 I feel like such a fake gamer for not having the time to put in my 300+, though.

Benedict Holland

I get board. I love dark souls but I probably put 300 to 400 in all of them combined. Monster Hunter is one of my favorites and I have about 250 in it.

Trevor Bond

I always mentally add 'And not currently employed in anything productive' after someone claims to be a gamer that puts x hundred hours into a game.


So glad to see the Duke again. Thank Royston for me.

Shapie Starberrie

So does play Doom 2016 & Eternal makes me A real gamer?


So happy to see the Duke come back


We need the outtakes from this one!