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It's 2016. If you can't get a PC version of your game running to a satisfactory degree by now, you're an absolute failure and you should just sod off.

Truly, shit like the recent Tales of Symphonia nonsense has gotten far beyond a joke.


Oh, Someone Fucked A PC Port Up Again (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch It's 2016. If you can't get a PC version of your game running to a satisfactory degree by now, you're an absolute failure and you should just sod off. Truly, shit like the recent Tales of Symphonia nonsense has gotten far beyond a joke.



Fuck Namco Bandai, Konami, Square Enix, EA, Ubisoft, Valve and WB? Thats a lot to fuck. Maybe they should fuck each other?^^ O And thank god for you Jim Sterling-san.


If you want a good example of the community ripping into the devs about bad decisions, check out the Planetside 2 subreddit /r/planetside; I'd say a good 85-90 percent of the threads are just people telling DGC how to do better.


So, I WAS going to buy Tales of Symphonia. I mean, how could they possibly screw up something that was done back in 2005?!...and then this shit happens. Never mind, I'll be looking for the Dolphin emulator to play this on. Thank God for Jim, at least.