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Good Old Games is joining the Early Access bandwagon with its Games In Development program. Unlike Early Access, however, GID looks like it won't be total crap.

Let's look at what GOG is doing, and use it as excuse to dump all over Early Access again. Yes, that seems a fine idea!

Also, reactions to things!


Games In Development (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com http://sharkrobot.com/collections/jimquisition-merch Good Old Games is joining the Early Access bandwagon with its Games In Development program. Unlike Early Access, however, GID looks like it won't be total crap. Let's look at what GOG is doing, and use it as excuse to dump all over Early Access again.



The new lectern!


I noticed that the video is 9 minutes and 11 seconds.... Coincidence? I think not!


I'm a math teacher (really, licensed and everything). Don't blame math! Also, why do Brits, Aussies, etc call Math "Maths"? It's one (beautiful) language.


Oops, love Ur site


Valve has no managers, and it shows why Libertarianism is generally bad for people who don't own corporations.


Good old GOG, being everything this avenue of the industry needs to be. Good enough Steam, being an unholy free for all, but clearly more lazy than evil; caveat emptor! No! Bad Uplay & Origin. Bad Bad Bad. Stop wanking yourself raw pretending your digital marketplaces.


Short-form of "Math(ematic)s". Same meaning, different slang. (: