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Naughty, cheeky Microsoft has purchased smelly, old, dirty, old Bethesda. Obviously, it's got Bethesda's parent company Zenimax as well. Zenimax is a toilet.   

There's plenty to talk about here, from Zenimax and Bethesda's history as corporate bullies to the benefits Microsoft will see as we enter a new generation and the Xbox Series faces off against the PS5.   

Also, we are under the sea!  


Naughty Microsoft Bought Smelly Bethesda (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.twitch.tv/jimsterling Naughty, cheeky Microsoft has purchased smelly, old, dirty, old Bethesda. Obviously, it's got Bethesda's parent company Zenimax as well. Zenimax is a toilet. There's plenty to talk about here, from Zenimax and Bethesda's history as corporate bullies to the benefits Microsoft will see as we enter a new generation and the Xbox Series faces off against the PS5. Also, we are under the sea! #Microsoft #Xbox #Bethesda #NextGen #PS5 #XboxSeriesX #Zenimax #Prey #Fallout #ElderScrolls #JimSterling #Jimquisition #Games #Game #Gaming #Videogame __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Harry Moore

As far as the studio itself I am stoked because they can focus on games and not try to make shit live services now. Microsoft can use their shit to sell consoles so like with Sony we may get some genuinely good games.

Harry Moore

Said all this prior watching the vid, watch him say the same shit and me look like a fool


You know what would be a really interesting wrinkle. What if MS made it so the physical games from this acquisition (or any MS studio) can only be bought for the Series X/S or PC. But, the games will be available for PS5 only on Game Pass. In theory, they could even do so on the Switch (for games that could run on it). They're pushing Game Pass pretty hard it seems, getting subscribers on other platforms seems in line with that goal.


PS4 is a bit wank itself with PSN being painfully slow to download games(and it's not my internet either, I can download games WAY faster on the XB1) I remember firing up my PS4 for the first time in a long time all-excited to play Last of Us 2, only to find out that the console had an error and I had to do the "Rebuild Database" option just to get it working again, which meant losing a bunch of games i'd downloaded and I had to redownload and re-install a bunch of games and it took literal DAYS to finally get everything back on there. What a joke, and i'm not holding my breath on PSN being any better for the PS5, by comparison my XB1 hasn't screwed up like that once since I bought it 5 years ago. Also surprised you didn't bring up the fact that PS5 has ZERO backwards compatibility with PS1, PS2, or PS3 games, that right there is a massive dealbreaker for me and ensures i'll buy a Series X first as BC means a lot to me and many other people and Sony excluding three generations worth of games because they "Want to look to the future" is incredibly boneheaded and short-sighted, like do they not remember how pissed people got when future models of the PS3 removed BC for PS2 games?


Best part of Pokemon Sword/Shield made better! Thank god for Jim!!!


For the record, the Bethesda Dance and "I kid! I squid! I kid again!" are all time peak Sterling in my heart.