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I make no secret of my biases. My preferences and aversions are pretty well known, but some feelings just can't be worn on a regular sleeve. In other words, I cannot express my contempt for Ubisoft enough.   

The company just doesn't stop - has never stopped - giving us grim things to talk about. As a basic videogame publisher, Ubisoft is among the slimiest, but the abuse and outright crimes at the company extend far beyond the usual, as we all know.   

And now the company's "apolitical" games are starting to wear something on their own sleeves - a seeming love for fashy propaganda.


I Really, Really Hate Ubisoft (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com I make no secret of my biases. My preferences and aversions are pretty well known, but some feelings just can't be worn on a regular sleeve. In other words, I cannot express my contempt for Ubisoft enough. The company just doesn't stop - has never stopped - giving us grim things to talk about. As a basic videogame publisher, Ubisoft is among the slimiest, but the abuse and outright crimes at the company extend far beyond the usual, as we all know. And now the company's "apolitical" games are starting to wear something on their own sleeves - a seeming love for fashy propaganda. #Ubisoft #EliteSquad #TomClancy #Mobile #Games #Gaming #Videogames #JimSterling #Jimquisition #Controversy __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



How can you say nothing at Ubisoft changed since the whole Dramas? There was a intern assessment made about how not to be toxic and sexist (with Video examples!) and a poll to Anonymously say if youre not happy or concerned about what's happening. You call this no change? Come on Jim, after such a thing we all know that racism and sexism can only surrender.


Hey Jim, you're looking well in this video. Also, fuck Ubisoft. And YouTube for good measure


Fuck Ubisoft, it just straight up needs to die... I stopped buying their games over a decade ago... Use your money to support other developers and games that deserve it instead! Thank God for Jim!


Oh and by the way Jim, as someone from Montreal, I'd appreciate if you could show pictures of Ubisoft's other offices from time to time. :)


Disagree, that would only hurt the hardworking devs who did nothing wrong, the main execs would just got golden parachutes and go work somewhere else.

Perpetual Noob

Well done on nabbing that belt Jim! 😃 And Ubisoft sucks. Thank you for continuing to report this Jim. Until Ubisoft's entire power structure and culture are upended, this story is still important. And it sucks the most for those on the ground level who just want to make video games (which are inherently political, if not explicitly). They're the ones who are and will suffer the most from this because no one punishes executives or CEO's despite the fact that they are the ones who should be punished.


Well the big boys do shit and everyone else in the comoany gets it on their faces while they just wipe their asses clean with money , that's the sad truth currently.


Honestly i'm not so sure they did know the raised fist was associated with BLM, I never really saw that symbol as exclusively representing organizations like BLM, it's been around for centuries and it's not as if BLM copyright the imagery or has exclusive rights to it:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raised_fist Truthfully i'm having a hard time getting worked up over a shitty looking mobile game when i've already got plenty of other reasons to dislike Ubisoft. I doubt they are only trying to appeal to far-right nutjobs, I think they are trying to appeal to as many people as possible because that's what they've always done, I see UMBRA as being more of an attack on fake-progressives like the Chapo Trap House crew-people who claim to be progressive but in reality are every bit as bigoted as Trump supporters(and that podcast started back in 2016, so it's entirely conceivable Ubisoft had them in mind when making this game)they're just more subtle about it. Also when companies like Ubisoft claim their games "aren't political", I don't think they're saying that because they think all gamers are too stupid to know otherwise(though some certainly are) I think they're just saying that because they feel it's something they HAVE to say since a certain loud vocal minority of gamers get all pissy and shouty towards devs online whenever they get even the faintest whiff of politics in a game(As we saw when those morons threw a hissy-fit over Far Cry 5 because it had white villains, and these losers claimed that Ubisoft was "promoting racism against white people" or whatever stupid crap those dumbasses pulled out of their well asses that week) so that statement is just them trying to quell assholes, not saying I agree with them saying that, but I do at least get why they're doing it.


I think their games are mostly pretty good, that new mobile game looks awful though. As for why game sites don't mention Ubisoft's allegations every single time they do a story on them, I think it's because those sites have to worry about keeping enough traffic, and constantly bringing up that sort of thing will probably decrease readers by a decent amount and with journalism already in trouble due to COVID combined with outlets being bought out and writers being canned, these sites can't really afford to take too many big risks like that, so they have to keep a neutral view talking about Ubisoft stuff.


I refuse to buy Ubisoft games. I'm not encouraging this kind of behavior with my money :/


i'll still buy em, though it'll probably be used now, and let's face it a few people not buying their games ain't gonna make the CEO and his brothers change, only continued negative attention on social media will do that.

Michael Bowerman

Thanks for continuing to criticise these companies - I hope others will follow your example and hold them to account.


The premise seems ....a stretch, to be generous.

Thomas Lawrence Williams

Thank you for your continued stand against vulture capitalism. These companies, including Ubisoft, need to be held accountable.


I'd been thinking the other day how I'm not seeing Jimquisition videos in my feed on YT... despite me watching it weekly.