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For years, Ubisoft performed a progressive lie, broadcasting its "wokeness" while abusive predatory executives claimed women can't sell.   

Today's video looks at that hypocrisy, the hypocrisy that Ubisoft has indulged in for perhaps its entire existence. A public pantomime of inclusivity, and a private culture of hate, harassment, and outright assault.  


The Hypocritical Wokeness Of Ubisoft (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com For years, Ubisoft performed a progressive lie, broadcasting its "wokeness" while abusive predatory executives claimed women can't sell. Today's video looks at that hypocrisy, the hypocrisy that Ubisoft has indulged in for perhaps its entire existence. A public pantomime of inclusivity, and a private culture of hate, harassment, and outright assault. #Ubisoft #YvesGuillemot #Woke #Diversity #AssassinsCreed #FarCry #HyperScape #WatchDogs #Games #Game #Gaming #Videogames #JimSterling #Jimquisition __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Benedict Holland

I feel like this video is going to be about a 30 billion dollar company that covered up sexual assault and rape alegations for decades while promoting sexism, racism, and homophobia. Game developers, please unionize. For the rest of you, this is the entire purpose of HR. It was never meant to protect you from your boss. It was meant to protect the company from you.

Joshua Chap

I love you Jim. You're most recent episodes are some of my most favorite of yours to date since I have been following you. Keep on fighting the good fight, just please don't ever let this, or any fight is worth fighting your health, mentally and physically for. Take care.


This puts that expansion where Cassandra simply *had* to be straight in a new light. Of course they had no choice to not put women in their earlier games, their "creative force" would've gone on such wailing tantrum that they couldn't hide it from outside world.


Never let up, Jim. The rest of us are too small to have our opinions heard, but your larger presence (not a fat joke) is the megaphone to what we all see. That being said, while you are our voice, you are also our eyes. The more you delve into this, with your experience, your connections, your skillset, and your reputation, your are better able to show us what we don't see. Even before Ubisoft's maggots were exposed, you were worth every dollar in your Patreon.

Perpetual Noob

Brilliant video Jim! Thank you for continuing to call out this systemic abuse.


Great video; thank you for making it. And that image of you staring over the top of your glasses is fierce. Take care of you.


Brilliant and outstanding as always, Jim. Continue to speak the truth especially when others don't like to hear it or are 'offended' by it because that's the whole point. You should be 'offended' by the truth because it's the truth! Whether you like it or not and we need to hear it and acknowledge the truth, not brush it under the carpet and dismiss truth-tellers and whistle-blowers with that ridiculous label 'virtue signalling'. That's cowardly and lazy thinking. Whenever some pathetic, entitled cry-baby starts wailing 'virtue signalling' you can bet it's invariably because there's some difficult, 'ugly' truth that they don't want to face so they fob it off with that label. As for that twat Guillemot - how low can you go? How base, how mean, how lewd can you be. You, Yves, have just descended several rungs on the evolutionary ladder. This is your example of a 'difficult' decision? Hmm... let's see should we dismiss and prosecute a known rapist or keep him on and protect him? Yes, that's a dilemma alright! Poor old Yves Guillemot, sitting in his mansion having to make such difficult decisions! What a hard life you must lead. Take care of yourself, Jim and stay safe.


Preaching to the choir. Is this going to be on the evening news? No.


The police force was invented to protect the rich from the rabble. Isn't that bloody obvious?


Brilliant (but grueling) work you do, Jim. There is one perspective I think is worth considering...there is a point where you cut off saying there is much more to be said, but for the benefit of the audience, you wouldn't go into further details...IF it isn't against TOS, IF it doesn't place strain on your own mental health, IF it's prefaced with a content warning...it's worth laying the truth bare. The reason is because more of us, all of us, should see the reality of that corporate atmosphere for exactly what it is...a disgusting cesspool rife with criminality. IF all of the conditions would be met, I wouldn't want to trade my own personal (relatively) minor discomfort of awareness, with the material suffering of those employees subjugated to such treatment. I would want to be shockingly aware of key publishers the next time I open the Playstation store, etc. (To that extent, I am, and you've played a hand in that...I speak more to those that may have a higher threshold to "awareness" actually translating to the material world as a material good.) Thanks for what you do!

Pete Spicer

No, but it should be. Gaming needs something on the scale of #MeToo to provoke some action, because these people still believe they’re above scrutiny. All the time they are, they will keep doing it, and whatever Ubisoft has done thus far has been a speed bump at best.


Jim has said on Twitter that he hasn't gone into more details because "they aren't his stories to tell", they involve friends of his and it's not his place to tell their stories for them.


Good video, I always got a weird vibe from Ubisoft ever since Unity. I feel genuinely sorry for all the non-white and non-straight people that got a lot out of Ubisoft's games, I can only imagine what a betrayal this whole situation feels like to them. On a somewhat lighter note, Polygon published a truly awful article(even by their standards) today that I shit you not, actually argued in favor of games going back to having more "Black and White" narratives, cause that's in no way problematic at all(and shockingly enough this article was not in fact written by a straight white guy, though you'd forgiven for thinking that, it was written by an Asian woman which makes it even more depressing and creepy), apparently didn't realize that some "Black and White" morality stories have aged VERY badly(like oh gee I dunno "Birth of a Nation" where the fucking KKK are portrayed as the good guys!) Like wow an article this tone deaf would not have looked at all out of place on The Daily Caller, Townhall or Brietbart, I don't know if this article deserves an industry bullshit video or not, but it's worth mentioning on Twitter at least(if only because the rhetoric in that article is a genuinely dangerous attitude to have):https://www.polygon.com/2020/8/3/21352437/games-morality-last-of-of-us-bioshock-good-bad#529822863


This is amazing work Jim. But I am afraid of the toll that this is taking on you. Please don't forget to take care of yourself as well.

Crissa Kentavr

It seems alot of the 'AAA' games coming out lately making playing a morally repugnant person either required or enjoyable. When fascism is just shown as interchangeable team logos in games, that's not really very stark good and evil, is it?


I have often thought the same. It must be exhausting for a workaholic like Jim to have to delve into this regularly. I appreciate the work that Jim is doing, is my appreciation enough?


Super sharp script and great editing as usual. Love the channel, great work to all involved. Love y’all