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If you're watching this video because you sent Jim Sterling an email and got a link to this in response, you'll want to watch and understand why I have very little regard for your sponsorship offer.   

I am inundated with emails from companies trying to get me to do paid promotion for them. Whether it's simple sponsorships or full-on advertorials, PR companies seem intent on trying to get me to do something I very famously DON'T do.  

It's insulting, and indicative of a marketing firm that's bad at being a marketing firm. If your research is so utterly flawed that you'd think MY audience is a "good fit" for your Magic the Gathering commercial, you're officially bad at your job. Now go away.  


I Won't Be Sponsored By Your Trash Product (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com If you're watching this video because you sent Jim Sterling an email and got a link to this in response, you'll want to watch and understand why I have very little regard for your sponsorship offer. I am inundated with emails from companies trying to get me to do paid promotion for them. Whether it's simple sponsorships or full-on advertorials, PR companies seem intent on trying to get me to do something I very famously DON'T do. It's insulting, and indicative of a marketing firm that's bad at being a marketing firm. If your research is so utterly flawed that you'd think MY audience is a "good fit" for your Magic the Gathering commercial, you're officially bad at your job. Now go away. #Sponsorship #Promotions #Commercials #Advertising #Money #TigerKnight #BBTV #Rant #Angry #PR #Publicity #JimSterling #Jimquisition #Games #Gaming #Game #Videogames #Mobile #Influencers __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Jim and glad you are who you are! Your crew rocks and does an amazing job!


10/10 let’s circle back to this again sometime.


I would actually like to see statue reviews from First Four Figures Jim.

Ben L.

Jim, please tell me that when you replied to Skunkem Crow, you actually called him Skunkem Crow.


Great video Jim! your comments in the end about the costs of moving i feel so i joined your patreon to help out!

Asterion Del Toro

I have some sympathy for the Skunkem Crows of the world. It's like that film, Glengarry Glen Ross. They give you stale old leads that you know will go nowhere, but you have to run them down into the ground anyway because you don't have anything else. And if they're really bad, they pay you straight commission, so the time you waste chasing down those leads eventually gets you nothing. Still not as bad as those cash-strapped 20-somethings at the mall whose gig had them sneaking up behind unsuspecting shoppers and stabbing them with pseudoscientific massage devices that looked like they were originally designed to rip your eyeballs from the sockets.


You know, it’s funny but I do think that Magic content would be a “good fit” for Jim to look at. Since it’s really the original “loot box,” and they are no strangers to the predatory and ludicrous “micro”transactions. Like the whole Secret Lair thing recently where they’re selling *five* bloody cards for basically $399 USD.


"Just wanted to circle back..." Yeah like a desperate vulture or starving hyena. As for the game Tiger Knight, it looks like a derivative of Dynasty Warriors? It doesn't look as polished.


But Jim, surely a game with lootboxes, a season pass and a premium currency that can't be bought in the same amounts as it is spent is right up your alley! Why wouldn't you compromise your ideals to promote such a thing?


Hey Jim, can I sponsor your content? I'll pay you here on Patreon, and you release a 20-ish minute video on a regular basis. Hope we can circle-back on this.


I've joined the patreon because of this video, my only other patreon being the Saturn Satiator from Professor Abrasive. I know it's not much, I'm poor, but I think integrity deserves reward, however small it might be. I hope it adds up.


me too! I'm happy to see he has a lot of funding. He absolutely deserves it. Jim for President!!

Thomas Riemer

Jim is the hero we need right now.

Emil Johansen

Ouch. That soap was very real, smiley face.


This video was to brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends, the newe...


So, new place and some toilet paper... I'm glad things are getting better, even little bit.

Alicejack Airheart

As far as i'm aware Jim already has a sponsor, all the lovely people in this post. Thank god for Cucumber Succulent!


"Tiger Knight", near as I can tell, is a fairly bog-standard Chinese rip-off of "Mount & Blade". If you played it in passing, I might find it amusing for about five minutes... Except, they decided to try to buy a review, so skip 'em and let some other rip-off have its moment in the sun.


Just watched the video on Youtube and wanted to come here and post a comment. Jim you are a good man. The real you, not the character on screen I mean. By showing respect to people, who cannot be arsed to give you that same respect back, that is how the world is changed for the better. Either these people learn the error of their ways, or they don't. And for people who are just watching from the sidelines, like your degenerate fans like me :), It show just how much more of a better person you are. So thank you so much Jim. Do not be worried to much about still reading these spam emails. It just goes to show that you still care about people after all.


This was definitely one of the best videos! Right up there with the Rockstar one and the Predatory Gambling one 🙃 Love it! Great work!

Harry Moore

Is Jim losing weight? Or is it just me. Whatever it is he's doin, it's working

Trevor Bond

Well, won't lie.... this is why I keep supporting you Jim.


Love Jim's ability to hold his head held high and for it to be legit. Love from Wales Jim 🥰

Benedict Holland

I think MTG could be sponsored by the Cornflakes hormunkulous.

Dion Turner

That hand sanitizer much have tasted awful


"I haven't given you a shout. Do you know what that means? You said 'give me a shout if you're interested'. And, again, I did not so much as mumble in your general direction. Do the math and just stop already. You're embarrassing yourself." That'd be my response after the second though I'd be kinda worried saying anything would just convince them to keep bugging me.