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Final Fantasy VII Remake is looking set to be one of the most controversial releases of the year - funny, considering fans thought it was a slam dunk. Unfortunately for those fans, FFVII Remake is something... unique.   

A subversive take on a beloved RPG, Square Enix's weird retelling of Final Fantasy VII is either cleverly written or deceptively advertised depending on who you ask. Maybe it's both.   

When is something ingeniously unexpected, and when is it just false advertising? As we discuss Final Fantasy VII Remake, Aliens: Colonial Marines, BioShock Infinite, and even The Last Jedi, we're going to sort this all out. Or not. I might be lying.  


False Advertising Vs. Narrative Subversion (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Final Fantasy VII Remake is looking set to be one of the most controversial releases of the year - funny, considering fans thought it was a slam dunk. Unfortunately for those fans, FFVII Remake is something... unique. A subversive take on a beloved RPG, Square Enix's weird retelling of Final Fantasy VII is either cleverly written or deceptively advertised depending on who you ask. Maybe it's both. When is something ingeniously unexpected, and when is it just false advertising? As we discuss Final Fantasy VII Remake, Aliens: Colonial Marines, BioShock Infinite, and even The Last Jedi, we're going to sort this all out. Or not. I might be lying. #FinalFantasyVIIRemake #FinalFantasyVII #SquareEnix #Remake #Reboot #Subversive #TheLastJedi #StarWars #MetalGearSolid #AliensColonialMarines #RandyPitchford #Gearbox #Sega #BioShock #BioShockInfinite #2KGames #PS4 #PS2 #XboxOne #Xbox #PC #JRPG #RPG #FFVII #FFVIIRemake #Jimquisition #JimSterling __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Regarding your thoughts on destiny, fate and agency, Jim; if you haven't already done so, watch the mini-series 'Devs.'


I gotta say Cactuar Jim is kinda doin' it for me


As somebody who is quite keen to experience the game for myself (even to the point of stopping midway through the most recent Podquisition). Should I play the game before watching this?

Trevor Bond

One thing I think you're overlooking here Jim, and I don't blame you because you haven't seen it in the full spectrum I feel: A lot of people are tired of their favorite things being openly assassinated in favor of continuing stories that were once finished. In this game, you LITERALLY assassinate the previous one just to open the story up again... a story that was already continued a couple times in games and movies and the like. It happens to things like Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, comic books and so on... beloved characters are changed and edited and the like, stories are dragged out of the comfortable ending people have known for years, and so on, and that's not even the actual problem. The problem is the fans who did not have that experience at the time promptly turning around and going 'well I like it, I don't know why you are even remotely upset that we assassinated something you like'. When Final Fantasy Seven came out I was in high school and I had to spend over three hundred dollars getting a copy shipped up to my neck of the woods in northern ontario, canada. Money I worked hard for and had to choose between spending on this game, or rulebooks for Dungeons and Dragons (my other great joy). I chose the game and I enjoyed it immensely over the years, including the discussions with friends and the like. Now honestly I never had an intention of buying the remake... I don't have expendable capital for things like that now, and I was already comfortable with the idea I'd probably see friends play it. But now I am bombarded by younger people who have no honest connection to the game's original form literally harassing me for my opinion and then being insulted that I might not enjoy it and, yes, feel a tad like there was a lot of deliberate lying about the content going on. Now by all means, I hope people enjoy the game and whatever it leads to, but some of us old fogeys are getting very weary of all the things we struggled to get a hold of and enjoy being yanked out of our grasp so a bunch of people can pretend the mutilated corpse in the corner with it's face worn by a completely different creature isn't there. Some of us were friends with that corpse. And yes, the original exists still... but many people were told they would live to see a version with graphics that didn't make your head ache, and that's all we wanted. We didn't want much, and we didn't get it either, and now we have legions of fans of this thing not just shoving it in our face for however long the hype takes to die down, but at least in my case, actively being insulted that I just really don't care about it. Remember that 7/10 you gave breath of the wild? Imagine if your score was 'I don't really care about it'/10...

Dying Breed

As somebody who has to this very day never played FF7, but absorbed all knowledge of it via osmosis, I am not surprised in the least that Square pulled this stunt. How am I not surprised? Just look back at all the sequels, spin-offs, and prequels to FF7 and tell me you were not surprised that Square literally changed the fate of characters, especially when a new audience is ready to go with that change in direction. As I said, I never played the original game, so I have no investment like you do, but as Jim pointed out with Star Wars, that ultimately doesn't matter. A big franchise will be milked and assassinated as many times as the company wants if it means getting every single cent possible. Aerith being saved? Great, now you can write new stories of her and sell merch with her face on it. You can stir up shipping wars in the fanbase by having her fight with Tifa over who sits on Cloud's face, just like every other fanbase these days. Gotta sell that "waifu" material while it's the hottest thing in nerd culture these days. Remember when Cloud was a silent, brooding character who dressed in all black? Gotta appeal to that angst back in the 2000's. This isn't anything new, FF7 has always been assassinated for as long as it was a hot title, the only difference was the main game was left alone. But now, just like anything else with time, even that was inevitable.

Benedict Holland

Again, having never played the original, this game is awesome. I will have to go back and watch these videos but honestly, I am not a FF fan in general and only really liked select JRPGs but this game is supurb.


At least Fallout 76 is like a completely new game.

Michael Joyce / BeigePaladin

I'll be honest here, I don't find this game a work of subversive masterpiece unlike the aforementioned dusk till dawn for one very simple reason; up until launch, square constantly told us it was - in fact - a remake of this prior game. (and remake has a specific meaning, which is to recreate something, so the word play doesn't work) now yes, personally, I would much have prefered it to be that - ff7 is a game that means a lot to me, and after watching it be put through lazy sequel after lazy sequel, seeing these hints of a remake that captures the origionals tone and style, that doesn't make cloud an emo fangirl bait or aerith some messiah archetype, was exactly what I wanted. heck, even the early changes where they played with clouds ptsd - because the secrets out, so its a rewrite that fits but also doesn't change the tone - and the fact his life is a lie where really solid. but even if I'd liked the changes, I'd still have an issue with the marketing. because it was a lie, and for some people, $60 and 40 hours of their life is a lot to invest in someone lying to feel clever when they fool you Dusk till Daw is a movie about two fugitive brothers on the run that is *also* a vampire story. it wasn't advertized as 'not a vampire story', it was advertized using only part of its content. FF7 was advertized as the first part in a remake of ff7. it is not, it is the first part of an entierly new spinoff it wasn't 'xyz was crafitly omitted in the info', it's 'all the info we gave you was false hahahahaha' also, the main reason i have issue with this: the ghosts are fucking crap writing and are as subtle as a brick to the face, which just makes them feel annoying and tedious and they mostly interfere for no actual reason - the eason I think the change is shit is that, for all the massive show it makes of changing things, it has yet to change a thing. That's why i don't find this a subevrsive masterpiece yet. either do something, or don't. don;t stand there ruining something else to keep saying your going to do something then chicken out at the end (especially since, for all the show of 'meteor/the weapons won't happen'... they will, because they're your iconic moments and still the games logo and square wants money (there's also the fact zacks literally only apperance is being a big part of the ending and so any new player wouldn't have a clue who this fuck is, which is kinda part of my issue in that to appreciate this game, you need to have played the origional 22 year old retro game... which sorta makes it feel like being clever was prioritized over being good or a cohesive experience in itself) oh, and I liked the game a lot and would reccomend it even if I would have prefered it to have been, well, the thing I paid money to get. I still think it was fasley advertized. if you go to a resteraunt and order a steak and they bring you out a roast beef dinner, even if the roast beef dinner is also excellet, it's not what you ordered or paid for, after all

Twit In A Hat

The chin on that cactus is weirding me out.


I'm all for making changes to the story - but using fate and destiny as a way to do it was lazy writing. If they wanted to make changes to the story - just make them with good and suitable writing lol.

Egor A. Palchyk

So, a quick point. I don't have an issue with the creator adjusting their work to whatever they see is an improvement or is more appropriate. It's their stuff, why not. HOWEVER. What I do have a firm belief in is names and how they should mean something. At this point, "Final Fantasy VII" and "Remake" have very specific definitions that mean very specific things. All Square Enix had to do was tack on a subtitle. Say, " Final Fantasy VII: Retelling" or "Final Fantasy VII: "For Real This Time". Or, Hell. Even, "Final Fantasy VII: Now with Kingdom Hearts!". And, sadly, they do not. So, no matter how much I like the new product, I'm still going to take issue with it.


I thought I would hate the Remake but, so far... I am loving it... FFVII is among my top 5 games of all time 😁 there are some minor things I could complain about but, I have only just hit chapter 14 so.. 🤷🏻‍♂️ my concern is... for approximately 90GB we got Midgar w/ some trimmed content from the original... based on the original we would need between 200 - 500GB for the vast open world section of the game unless they break it up into more than 3 parts or reduce open world graphics to FFXV levels and up the graphics for actual locales 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️✌🖖🤘🏳️‍🌈😎.


...........Until you brought it up, I never realized how good of a fit Yoko Taro and Squeenix are. They're both a bit out there and will do what they want regardless of whether or not most people would want to change it.

Emil Johansen

Were people angry at Yager for Spec Ops: The Line not being the boring desert army pew pew title it advertised?