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Pokémon Sword & Shield may very well go down in history as the most controversial release in the series, chiefly because of Dexit - the culling of over half the series' roster. 

There's been a lot of ill will brewing over Sword & Shield for a number of reasons, but Game Freak's choice to cut hundreds of beloved Pokémon - including Ekans - has been firmly at the eye of the storm. 

Is the backlash reasonable, or are people being babies? Was there a winning scenario for Game Freak in this? Why did ALL my favorites get screwed? I am Dexit Jesus! Hear my sermon! 


Disappointing Dexit: A Proper Pokémon Problem (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Pokémon Sword & Shield may very well go down in history as the most controversial release in the series, chiefly because of Dexit - the culling of over half the series' roster. There's been a lot of ill will brewing over Sword & Shield for a number of reasons, but Game Freak's choice to cut hundreds of beloved Pokémon - including Ekans - has been firmly at the eye of the storm. Is the backlash reasonable, or are people being babies? Was there a winning scenario for Game Freak in this? Why did ALL my favorites get screwed? I am Dexit Jesus! Hear my sermon! #Pokemon #Dexit #NationalDex #GameFreak #Nintendo #JimSterling #Jimquisition __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



But the real question is... will Game Freak begin flogging beloved Pokémon as microtransactions?

Matt Ahn

Eh. Regarding the National DeX being axed and the roster being chopped, I don't care too much for it, mainly since I'm someone who doesn't have the patience or time to go for the NatDex. I get that it probably gives people a sense of accomplishment to finish the Regional and then move on to the National, but I think most casual players may just play through it and just be done with it. Or maybe I'm just spitballing and everyone gets the NatDex but me, hey IDFK.


I was pretty mad about Dexit just because there are a core few pokemon that I always like to transfer over and half my faves got cut. That being said, I'm playing Sword right now and really enjoying it, but I have to agree with everyone saying that there's no innovation here. It's a very solid Pokemon game and does a lot of things right, but I'm thinking we shouldn't have our expectations too high when it comes to Game Freak.

Perpetual Noob

Reasonable take as always Jim. Good video. I, too, am sad that none of the grass starters I've used are in the game. The Pokémon Company has made a bit of a blunder here that they'll probably never feel because they are Pokémon and they have all of their other media to absorb the hit. But as others have said, the production schedule is too much. Give Game Freak time to make a current generation Pokémon game. I'd bet that if Game Freak had another year or two, no one would have been disappointed (well, okay, minimal amount of people would have been mad).


Yay Digimon :)

Trevor Bond

20 years in and people expect a bloated 'dex to be 100% represented in every game? Heck I've been saying they should largely clean-slate every game for years now.


Jim, this video is great and you make a lot of good points as usual but why do you have to shit on object pokemon like almost all of the human population. that teapot pokemon and the gear pokemon are perfectly valid, please stop being mean to them

Egor A. Palchyk

2/3rds of the dex missing, locked to 30FPS, heavily reused animations from Sun/Moon, loads of reused sprites dating back to X/Y....Nintendo, what ARE you doing with the massive amounts of cash you're making off your game sales, hardware sales, Amiibo, loot boxes, and everything else that you feel the need to cut more corners than a paper snowflake factory? Hell, with how Nintendo having been making great strides in trying to catch up to the rest of the AAA industry in terms of scummy monetization practices, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to sell the cut features back peacemeal as DLC. You know. Things like, "here's the Fire-type starters pack"!

Egor A. Palchyk

I mean, considering how historically only a fraction of the Dex is featured in every game AND most of the data is directly imported from the past games....yes. That is the expectation due to the standard set by...you'll never guess, GameFreak and Nintendo. If you're doing a series reboot (as has been heavily rumored across the last half a year or so), then do a series reboot. Cut everything, start from the ground up, and modernize the series. But, this isn't a series reboot, as they haven't improved shit. It still has the vast majority of the long-running issues of the series. All this is is lazy cutbacks because they know that people will buy pretty much anything with Pokémon branding on it. Hell, I can't even praise the game for taking out mega-evolutions and Z-moves because they basically just combined them, rebranded them as giant Pokémon, and put it right back out again.


Snorlax is my fav

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

I think the people at the core of Dexit do, unlike SO MANY videogame 'controversies', have a lot of valid points and are right to feel slighted (Scyther stan here! Cause like coooooooooooooool Pokemon) but what I can't abide is that they have to construct elaborate scenarios in which they are being persecuted and screwed over as opposed to doing what Jim does here: just admitting they feel disappointed and sad. But emotions are for the IRRATIONAL, someone HAS to be AGAINST the Dexit movement. Actively!


The thing I love about this installment of Jimquisition is that it will annoy everyone who deserves to be annoyed. The angry gamer baiting is strong in this one &gt;:3 Not only did you not "keep politics out of gaming" but picking at the gangrenous curse-spewing mark of Nurgle that is this recent pocket mans debacle and conflating it with the terrifying eschatological idiocy that is British politics is a masterstroke. Sublime. EDIT: <i>The Fifth Element</i> is an awesome film that nobody seems to care about. This hoary old boar appreciates your tiny reference to it Mr. Sterling! :3


Gamefreak was flat-out lying which is the worst part-they said there would be new animations and instead they re-used animations from previous games. Hell a modder was able to put a Pokemon that wasn't included into the game in only three days, so I don't buy that Gamefreak couldn't have put more Pokemon in, they could've, they just chose not to because they've lazy and complacent over the years:https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/dy2ctf/pok%C3%A9mon_sword_and_shield_modders_already_managed/ Then again I can see why GF does not see a great need to change things, after all if the games sell well regardless what possible incentive do they have to put in any extra effort when they can just recycle the same crap with the same old problems and it'll sell like hotcakes no matter what?


Intellectually, I am acutely aware of how great The Fifth Element is, but every time I watch it I'm reminded all over again just how mind-buggeringly punchy and stylish it is, and that's before I even notice anything that's not Gary Oldman


Thank God for Jim for being evenhanded in his analysis of the situation. Part of me is upset because the yearly release schedule is reducing the quality of Pokemon games, part of me is upset because I've grown very found of playing with Heracross in Pokemon-Amie and in battles, and part of me is upset because the workload is probably taking a toll on the devs themselves. Game Developers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains. I will say that the accusations that Game Freak 'lied' seem to be a little off. To me it never looked like Game Freak lied about it - they just have really awful PR when it comes to this.