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We talk about Disney Plus for a bit because that'll help the old SEO won't it? Also, Death Stranding, Sword & Shield, and other things!

You can listen/download directly here and get the RSS feed here.
Also, check out Laura Kate Dale and her Patreon page!
Also also, check out Conrad Zimmerman and Boston's Favorite Son!


Podquisition: That Disney Plus Thing by Jimquisition

We talk about Disney Plus for a bit because that'll help the old SEO won't it? Also, Death Stranding, Sword & Shield, and other things!



Actually there is a way to ride a horse in RDR2 through trees without crashing- just hold down the ride button without trying to steer the horse and it will automatically avoid running into trees.


<i>We're having, right now, a very tough Podquisition moment...</i> - <b>Jim Allen Brackling, apologizing and taking full responsibility, momentarily hesitating before receiving rightful and fully deserved applause (2019)</b> I must say Jim, I respect and applaud yourself, Laura and Conrad for your fanatical commitment to spending the first twenty minutes of Podquisition scarcely even acknowledging the existence of computer games x3 P.S. Sandaconda is top pokeboi (addendum: it's been years since I played a pocket man game)


Can’t blame you guys for not sticking with DS. As a big weirdo w too much time on his hands, it just keeps getting weirder, and more mechanically interesting. Avoiding spoilers, once you get on a boat, it really opens up.