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Phew! Time to round up the last set of questions for Asking Sterling. Sorry it took so long. We discuss everything from monetizing Deadly Premonition to pageviews to weird backlash. Fun times! 



Jono Charles Davey

Lol I asked you when you were doing an Asking Sterling next but I don't know if you checked your Inbox.


Sorry! I meant to get back to you on that. I typically do a post for questions at the beginning of the month but this month's been thrown out of sorts by an overstuffed schedule.

Ben L.

Creepy horror movie suggestion for you: Session 9. A team of contractors get hired to clear asbestos out of a closed down psychiatric hospital, and there's a mix of tensions and volatile personalities in the team and unnerving things in the hospital. I also have a soft spot for Bloodrayne. Gameplay is mediocre, but I love the character of Rayne and I found her one-liners particularly entertaining and endearing. Here's hoping for the best with the Event Horizon series!


As someone who works for one of the biggest banks in the country who has also leaned heavy into LGBTQ+ diversity stuff, it has made a positive difference. Where various dudes in the office were perfectly free to spout bigoted stuff in their offices and staff rooms, now they are forced to do it in hushed whispers. I have coworkers who can proudly be themselves where it was risky before. I understand the snarky anti-capitalist elbowing at "corporate pride" and no doubt a good amount of it is just sterile PR junk and I can't speak to every company that "celebrates pride" and acts hypocritically internally, but it was much worse before for me personally. Gayness becoming a PR boon is one of the best things that have happened to me in real, practical terms.


Ah well, I just emailed you regarding the whole voice thing. And don't worry, it's completely SFW. Hopefully it's not in the spam folder, I hope that's not the reason why my previous attempts have failed. Was also hoping you touch on the bit about the Remastered Jimquisition intro, but oh well


Do you guys who ask questions not listen to the actual Q&As? Why keep submitting multi-paragraph questions when Jim has repeatedly said that they are bad for this format? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it honestly seems cloying and desperate. Like you're trying really hard to demonstrate how knowledgeable you are.


Yeah it always annoys me when people don't listen to content creators after they've explained something multiple times. Like how people STILL bug Linkara to do HOPR videos before a series is done airing even though he's said countless times he won't do HOPR videos until the full series is out on DVD.


Yes, Ys VIII is incredible on Switch. It was my intro to the franchise and I've since beaten 3 other Ys games.


<i>"This is the fourth time I'd tried to start this podcast, and I ended up getting sidetracked, or rambling, or trying not to fall asleep."</i> - <b>Jim Sterling reveals just how interesting he finds his fans (2019)</b> :3 (meant in the nicest possible way!) Am I truly living in a world where making fun of, berating and showing contempt for <i>literal nazis</i> and <i>literal white supremacists</i> is considered "un-PC". I suppose I could be in worse circumstances. I could live in a country where the idea of not allowing pretty-much-anybody living in it the opportunity to buy a thousand guns is widely considered controversial.


I might be a complete idiot at the moment but I'm not seeing a way to direct download the podcast. I can play it in window but usually download these with the download link. Not seeing one on this post or the old posts anymore. Am I missing something?


Right click on AskingSterling18.mp3 and click save as that's your direct download.

Twit In A Hat

Cult figure? Absolutely! You even have the mask(s) for it!! :D


question: i just watched your rogue corps video where you say konami has not made anything large beside football sence metal gear survive. have you taken a look the yugioh console games made by konami. NO microtrantions and you can only buy char packs with points, seems like a shining like in konami mass of evil