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It saddens me to say that I had no fun whatsoever playing Metro Exodus, and as a Metro fan who was seriously looking forward to this, it breaks my heart. 

It feels stodgy, sluggish, and it's bloody annoying to boot. Since it's not functionally too different from previous games, I can only content it's everything around the gameplay highlighting how slow it is. 


Metro Exodus - I'm Not Saying Far Cry Is Better... (Jimpressions)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com It saddens me to say that I had no fun whatsoever playing Metro Exodus, and as a Metro fan who was seriously looking forward to this, it breaks my heart. It feels stodgy, sluggish, and it's bloody annoying to boot. Since it's not functionally too different from previous games, I can only content it's everything around the gameplay highlighting how slow it is. __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A


Perpetual Noob

Whoa. I'm sorry Jim. I mean, not like I had any control over it. I'm just trying to commiserate with that feeling of loving a franchise and then getting to an entry that just isn't fun. That's rough. :( Haven't played either series so can't comment on that particular aspect of the video though. But Metro Exodus does look pretty. :) (Wanted to end on a positive note.)


Man, that really sucks Jim! I wonder how I will feel about the game as I never particulary cared much for the outdoor sections in the previous two entries either. Also, it does seem you are not alone in this sentiment. I watched the Giantbomb Quicklook and Alex isn't enjoying the game very much either.


<i>"I want you to appreciate the sacrifice I've made..."</i> - <b>The current living Son of God, best known by his earthly title Jim Sterling (2019)</b> I must confess I wasn't really paying attention to this game, I never played the original so I wasn't watching out for this release. It definitely looks <i>treacly</i> though. The camera view movements and even enemies seemed to move at a stately pace. I've been replaying The Evil Within 2 again this week, and I'm reminded of how helpless the main protagonist Sebastian feels in it, at least until you start upgrading his abilities. Mind you that games problem is that Seb's dopiness isn't matched by the environment or monsters. Even the low level goons in Union City move with the alacrity of something that actually wants you dead. It's a good job I like the story and love the conceptual underpinning of that game enough to "suffer-through" the games early stages.


I *love* open world, at least in comparison to claustrophobic underground passages. One reason is that I can keep my bearings and not spend half my time trying to find a way out. Also, open levels are far more conducive to ranged combat - with at least the potential for intelligent AI enemies - instead of the always-stupid melee so favored by devs as far easier to code. Finally, Metro Exodus's narrow field of view tends to make me nauseous even in the open, but indoors it's absolutely intolerable. Watching 5 minutes of a Metro Exodus indoor gameplay video left me physically sick for half an hour. There are web threads on whether the FOV can in fact be tweaked, but the game appears to be hard-wired at 70 degrees so such hacks may break something else. And BTW the unnatural rapid spin-around aggravates the motion sickness even further.


Hours of un-fun. They have totally bungeled this game. 100% accurate Jim, I totally agree. Massive, massive disappointment.