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What happens when monkeys and barn owls get frisky? Who knows? What we DO know is that an Italian doctor claims he can do head transplants, and that he's tied to a conspiracy theory surrounding Metal Gear Solid V. That's fun! We also know that Ubisoft manages to somehow release a buggy sidescroller, and that a new Overlord game is happening. We know about John Cena dating sims, and we know about Dark Souls. We know so much!


Podquisition Episode 22: Two Monkeys Shagging A Barn Owl by Jimquisition

What happens when monkeys and barn owls get frisky? Who knows? What we DO know is that an Italian doctor claims he can do head transplants, and that he's tied to a conspiracy theory surrounding Metal Gear Solid V. That's fun!



A link to malware on Steam? Gonna run a scan on my pc now. I really do hope they get some quality control. Thanks for this week's podquisition, guys!