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Diablo Immortal was announced to an audience that ranged from apathetic to furious, as a mobile Diablo game turned out to be exactly what Blizzcon attendees didn't want. 

Activision Blizzard couldn't have read its audience worse if it tried, and now we're in a perpetual backlash machine as angry fans and exasperated pundits go back and forth, tearing each other apart. 

In this breakdown of the situation, The Jimquisition gets to the very heart of the matter, and why the initial backlash is just fine n' dandy. 


The Diablo Immortal Backlash Fun Parade (The Jimquisition)

http://www.patreon.com/jimquisition http://www.thejimquisition.com https://www.thejimporium.com Diablo Immortal was announced to an audience that ranged from apathetic to furious, as a mobile Diablo game turned out to be exactly what Blizzcon attendees didn't want. Activision Blizzard couldn't have read its audience worse if it tried, and now we're in a perpetual backlash machine as angry fans and exasperated pundits go back and forth, tearing each other apart. In this breakdown of the situation, The Jimquisition gets to the very heart of the matter, and why the initial backlash is just fine n' dandy. #Diablo #DiabloImmortal #Activision #Mobile #Jimquisition #JimSterling #PC #Blizzcon #Blizzard __ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jimsterling Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimsterling0 Jim’s Big Ego (No Relation): http://bigego.com/ Bandcamp of the Sax Dragon - https://carlcatron.bandcamp.com Nathan Hanover - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8L7n7l11PJM6FFcI6Ju8A



Next thing you know, Jim Sterling will be a host on something like Infowars, peddling Jim Juice - Designed to keep The Gay Frogs at bay.


I'm not a Diablo fan (never played the games) but if I were in that board meeting that decide to make Diablo Immortal as the grand reveal, I would have said this would be cockamamie idea... only to get fired immediately after for not exuding submissiveness in the workplace. <br><br>Screw the backlash to the backlash. It is as if you cannot have standards and expectations for something and just accept something for what it is and not complain about it. That's a dangerous and bleak mindset to have. <br><br>For someone to believe the claim that you are a right wing conspiracy nut, they would never have to bother watching your videos as evidence and take the claim as fact and/or the circles the person hangs at hates Jim Sterling because it is the cool thing to do... you know I'll just stop thinking about it.


Alt-right? I cannot process how one comes to that or what an alt-right Jim would be like. Those people ignore logic to parade their values, no matter how wrong. Jim has one of the best batting averages of game commentators (I'd be surprised if none of those investment firms are keeping tabs on his warnings)

Twit In A Hat

I just took a peek at the YT comments on this, and it gave a glimpse into their tortured logic. Like this... thing... <blockquote> welcome to 2018 , if you are a pro consumer/little guy and not pro megacorp-assholes , you are a right wing conspiracy nut, according to letist progressive twats(the irony is just unbearable). The right LOVES corporate exploitation., but the left LOVES LOVES corporate exploitation, (corporations thrive under socialism) </blockquote> I... what?


I'm wondering whether it's Konami who led the charge on this rubbish with their Pachinko machines...


Indeed, a very similar vibe here. Debasing ones IP into what is essentially a Shiny but Shameful slot machine you can carry around with you. Would be more respectful if it was just literally an animation of a Pachinko machine that spat out Diablo Coins or something.


This is the same thing that happened with the backlash around the new Star Wars movies. There's a certain strain of progressive middlebrow pseudo-intellectuals for whom politics has become an issue of whether they're in the "good nerd" camp (never complaining about pop culture products, uncritical consumption, constant self-pats on the back for celebrating 'woke' pop culture products which include diverse casts) or the "bad nerd" camp (criticizing pop culture on any grounds other than level of wokeness, not showing sufficient enthusiasm for corporatized diversity and girl-power feminism, and not endlessly self-critiquing or dismissing your own opinions if you're white and/or male).


...are we seeing the same video? I thought the anger was over the next Diablo being a mobile game?


I'll agree that I'm not on board with targeted harassment, but the corporate monkeys gathered a whole heap of people who had already proven their devotion to the brand by buying past products, taking time out to go to a convention *dedicated* to those products, and in some cases making elaborate costumes to further display that dedication... And then expected them to pollinate the flower of their crappy mobile product with a show of enthusiasm. They were trying to USE that audience for incredibly feckless and mercenary purposes, and that audience decided not to play their part in that script. Good for the audience, @#$% anyone who says otherwise.

Twit In A Hat

I am slightly disappointed there was not an image of the devil flipping the bird at ActiBlizz.


The worst part (the podcast touched on this) we have a perfect goofus and gallant teaching moment in that E3 some time back with Metroid Federation Force and Fallout Shelter. Well not completely perfect, 3DS is a different genus of mobile, but was all reflected right here.