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It’s been about a month since we did a questions podcast. Not that we’re explicitly doing it monthly. I don’t know why I pointed it out. <br><br>Anyway, as like last time, here’s where you lovely patrons ask me questions about whatever in the comments and then I will answer them in a podcast for you to listen to! I’m gonna probably get them read Sunday morning so get ‘em in tonight! <br><br>Right, I’m off to do a wrestling show in a minute. Hopefully that goes alright and I don’t die. See ya!





Did you watch crown jewel? If you did what are your opinions on it?


Do you like playing with fans in online games or do you prefer being completely anonymous?


How did you meet and become friends with Laura and Gav?


What would Jim Cornette say about Sterdust?


What did you think of Final Fantasy 12 and where do you think it ranks amount all the other Final Fantasy games?


You have access to a very specific time machine, so you can bring together wrestlers from specific points in their careers. What's your dream card?


Who would win in a fight, Sterdust or Ian Boldsworth. :UUU


What do you like most about your job? least? what genre of games are your favorite? Also, who is your favorite game developer? No need to ask about your least favorite cuz fuck konami, amirite?


Why did you decide to settle in Mississippi?


Why are you perusing the whole wrestling thing? It just seems so out in left field to me considering the media base you've already established. Honestly I've been to Wrestlemania events but skip thru (your wrestling) related content - its not why I'm here.


How can we contact you, if we want to offer our artistic service for your show? (And good luck with the Wrestling show.)


What food do you miss that Mississippi can't provide or make well? (Not ciunting pre-packaged junk food)


You've talked about why you changed your last name in the past, but where did the name Sterling come from? How did you decide on that as your new name?


Hey love - who was/were the biggest influence(s) and inspiration in your life for you to become the relentless asskicker you are, despite backlash and struggling with depression?


Have you heard of comedy wrestling? I live in Colorado and we have a thing here called Lucha Libre and Laughs, it's a wrestling show where the commentators are also stand up comedians and in between matches there's actual stand up comedy. Plus the wrestlers are pretty over the top and I think Sterdust would fit right in (I mean there was a guy who choked slammed a dude using the force the last time I was there so ya). Do they have anything like that in Mississippi?


Dear Mr F***ing Sterling Son, how long does it take for you to become the Cornflakes Homunculus? And will we ever see him in a wrestling ring?


What's your thoughts on the possibility of a digital only future in terms of consoles or even streaming only? Any concerns or positives with it becoming reality? Thank god for you!


So... what's the story behind you ending up in the southern United States, of all places? Also, how's the nerd scene down there?


If two characters from two different games got throw into another seperate game, who would they be and what game would they be in? If you can't think of anything can we hear the story of the guy you lived with who i believe was called "The Captian"? Non question bit. Jim, my guy, thank you for getting me through the worst job I ever had. I discovered your content around episode 4 of PodQ and I've been hooked ever since. Thank you for being you and thank god for you.


Not sure if I should use this space for bringing up an obscure indie game , so instead i'll ask what Youtube channels you watch regularly or you just use Youtube to post content and comment?


As someone who’s trying to get into games media (and who has a very very very small YouTube channel) do you have any tips? I feel like many independent content creators in games media were able to carry over audiences from their previous gigs (like yourself from Destructoid and Escapist). The reality is however a majority of people don’t have that opportunity. Love everything you do, thanks!! :)


As a person who plays a whole lot of table top RPGs I was wondering if you had any stand out moments or storys from your gaming career.


Have you ever given much thought to doing Top 10 lists? I know it's something that's been done a lot elsewhere, but I think it's safe to say that a lot of us watch your channel for you and YOUR personality/opinions, and would love to see videos on your 'Top 10 Video Games of All Time', 'Top 10 Games of X Genre' etc.


What made you come to the name Stirling as your media name? (for the lack of a better term) it fits really well and wondered if it was a nickname or old stand up name you used to use


Did you ever get into Hollow Knight? I remember you mentioning on a Podquisition a while back that you'd been waiting to play it on Switch, but then never mentioned it again. As a huge fan of the game, and how it gives you so much for so little in the age of the shitty business model, I was looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Love everything you do, you're amazing and we've all got your back. Many thanks!!

Nagatsu Seiken

From previous impressions, I understand that Sterdust was never supposed to really take off as anything more than a gimmick; now that he has, what do you /think/ the future will hold for the persona? What would you /like/ to happen with said persona?


Does the inevitability of Borderlands 3 being another 2K micro-transactional hell scape keep you up at night too?


I'm a huge fan of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and there is no way I have found to watch it in the U.S. How are you watching niche late night British comedies? Don't read this part. Been a fan of yours for years signed up on Patreon that day you announced it and am proud to be a patron.


You’re always very vocal on industry practices you don’t agree with. Are there any industry-wide practices that you think are admirable or is the games industry the worst festering pustule on the ass of capitalism?


We are at a point where a lot of publishers/developers are counting on the live service/twitch shoot and grind to be the latest thing, sadly. Is there a genre/type of video game you think has been underrepresented or not done to its potential?


What is the best worst game you’ve ever played? (One that is utterly horrible but made you laugh so hard you nearly doubled over)


Pumpkin Spice as a flavor is the greatest example of marketing deception. Ever. Your thoughts?

Peter Paizs

Do you have any game you have been playing for a long time? Not because it's a service, but because you just enjoy it that much. It doesn't necessarily have to be one go, it can be a game you played through and feel the desire to go back to it over and over again.


What are your thoughts on how early Christmas decorations start being sold?


Sorry to get personal, but I remember you mentioning a few times that you have a brother. I know your family situation wasn't great growing up, but how is your relationship with him right now?


I recently realized every time I hear the buffy theme I add "I'm bono vox!" thanks to fistshark. Any final thoughts on the great podcast gold that was Fistshark Marketing?


Ever thought of doing non-video game related content? You did do Movie Defence Force waaayyyyy back in the day


How are your boglins getting along?


What was the first bit of media that you felt you had to respond to? I.e. what was patient zero for your practise as a critic, not just a player of games?


You mentioned being a big fan of R&amp;M growing up so what is your favourite Reeves and Mortimer Intro Song? Mine is 'Constantly irritate your mind'.


You and Conrad seem to have a real love for Shlock horror Films. If you find free time for more projects you and Conrad should start a Shlock Film podcast I would love to listen to it. Hell you should see if you can get Bob Chipman (moviebob). Would you find a Shlockcast fun to make?


So Jim I am curious as to what you think KOEI should do with the Dynasty Warriors series now. It's clear that DW9 is not the way to continue as it just didn't really work for the type of game the warriors series is. So if you were able to decide how Dynasty Warriors 10 would go how would you do it?


Hi Jim. Asking if your thoughts on “You only have one release” has evolved since playing Warframe. Like, when it was released it had a lukewarm reception and considered underwhelming, but over time it was improved just like other games such as Destiny or Rainbow Six Siege (and maybe even Fallout 76 as well).


Being that you play and comment on games for a living, do you have a bit of burnout? Is there anything you are looking forward to?


Assuming a team was working with neither the resources of a Rockstar-scale company (RDR 2, GTA V) nor a well-established world and characters and mechanics with which the audience has had time to become well acquainted (Yakuza, FOTNS Lost Paradise), what recommendations would you make to a team tasked with creating an open-world game? (You know, aside from, "Don't".)


For someone who hasn’t played any dark souls game before which one would you recommend I start with? Or should I just start with playing Bloodborne?


It seems that more and more games are being released every year. Finding time to actually play all of these competing releases is getting difficult. With October seeing the release of several large scale open world games (RDR2 and AC: Odyssey) that take many many hours to complete even sticking to the main story content, how do you balance your gaming and working time and do you think that as games get bigger and pile on more content, gamers will start to get fatigued and seek out shorter linear games instead?


Hi Jim why do you live in Mississippi? Tried to keep it brief, keep up the good work!


Hi Jim, I've always wondered what your demographics are like. Does it tend older/younger? Have you intentionally nurtured your current demos, or did it grow organically through the nature of your product?


Has there ever been a bigger bait since diablo immortal, also how many cheeseburgers would you have to throw at diablo immortal to make Activision happy?


Can you give us a definition of 'Chungus' and then use it in a sentence? I am just wondering what the origin story of this is.


Hey Jim, considering that traditional media outlets have their own criteria for reviews and thought pieces while people now typically base their opinions and purchasing habits on Youtube/Twitch channels. Do you think that it's important that games/movies/music channels should do more to educate the viewers on reviewing rather than going down the lazy; 'I hate__ ' or 'everything wrong with'. It is pretty unproductive and feel like it teaches people a more nasty way to appreciate creative works.


Apoligies in advance if this is a bit too personal. You talked a few times about how you grew up on the poverty line. Has that experience influenced the way you view game companies and how they treat their customers?


have you, as sterdust's manager, spent any time around ursa major? is he as scary as he looks or is he secretly a teddybear under that scowl&amp;growl?


Hey Jimbo, do you believe in life after love?

Beeray Echo

Do you keep in touch with any of the old Podtoid crew?


Are you still playing Warframe? If so, are you looking forward to the Fortuna release?


What are your hobbies outside of video games and YouTube related stuff?


Sorry if this was already answered, but what are a few of your favorite books?


Hey Jim, I was wondering at the end of next year will you be doing Games of the Decade and Shittiest Games of the Decade lists?


Boobs or Bums?

Twit In A Hat

What would an evil counterpart to Jim Sterling be like, and what would their name be?


Hi Jim, you've spoken of your past and upbringing on a couple of occasions and I was wondering if you'd ever thought of writing some sort of memoir? I would understand why not given time constraints and the difficulty in dredging such memories, but I know many would be interested to see how such a compassionate and bombastic personality came from such circumstances


Have you ever determined when the online persona of 'Jim Sterling' started taking on a life of its own?


How do I get the Cybetron games these days? How do games even just vanish, wasn't that half the point of digital sales to avoid that?


Would you consider reviving Itch.io Tasty or perhaps do the occasional longplay?


Are you into Sushi? If so what is your favourite kind of sushi?

Ben L.

I first heard of you when Digital Homicide filed their lawsuit against you, and it's made me wonder how much your audience has increased as a direct result of the Romines trying to tear you down over the years. Any idea there? Also, I've started playing the Yakuza games recently and have just gotten through 0 and Kiwami, so: Kiryu or Majima? Interpret that question in whatever way you want.


<b>Hypothetical question</b>: If the games industry where to take a 6-month hiatus on its bullshit that you typically cover in the Jimquisition giving you a chance to explore different topics, what would they be (other than mentioning the industry isn't doing bullshit for once)? <br> <br><b>Example:</b> I remember from one of your reddit AMAs that you would like to do an episode on why Nathan Drake's character from the Uncharted series gets flack for killing enemies compared to other characters. I know you have many other ideas but you don't explore them because the games industry suffers from short-term and long-term memory loss.


BTW, isn't this suppose to be a patron only post because I am not a paying patron yet I can comment here? You can ignore my question if this concerns you Jim.


Jim go on Chapo.


Jim, you seem to a man who enjoys good horror. Me and my friend a while ago hit a wall; what would you consider the benchmark of horror in both video-games and TV/Movies? Also, you boast you can hit ALL the high notes on I believe in a thing called love ( my second favorite band after Gunship) when are you going to prove this claim? Thank you for all your hard work and content!

JZBeasty the Huggable Snep

Metroid is a series near and dear to my heart but I never really hear you guys talk about it on the podcast. What are your thoughts on the series and if you have one, what is your favorite entry in the series? (I'd love an answer from Laura and Gav too if that's alright.)


What are some of your favourite comedies (tv shows, movies, stand up etc) and comedians ?


I am indignant about the actions of the games industry in regards to there amazing capacity for greed but feel pretty powerless to make a change. Any suggestions for your average humble "consumer" to promote the good or discourage the bad? Grateful for your voice -Daniel

Jamie C.

besides this being your career and at one time a journalist, What spurred you to attack the Gaming industry with such gusto? I am greatful for your work without it I would not be as informed about this blight on the industry, from incessant greed, anti consumerism, and gambling boxes, and micro transactions. But what drove you? was it your own experience with these issues or something else?


Do you read much? What books do you read?


I don't have any questions... I just wanted to say I listen to your podcast every Friday morning (that's when it's available here in Aussie land) and watch the Jimquisition every Tuesday and I'm grateful to have you in my life. If it wasn't for you, Laura and Gavin going on and on and on and oooooooon about Dark Souls 3 I never would bought it. Thank you.

Thomas Halpin

A guy like me can't help but wonder, what do you think would be the biggest barrier you see between yourself and engaging with your community in ways that some other creators do, like running a Discord server, or small group multiplayer events?


How does it feel knowing that time has proven me right and that The Cos ended up being a douchebag villain?


Do you find that playing video games has helped you through bouts of depression or is there a danger that they prevent you from engaging with the real world and dealing with the demons. I suffer periodically myself. I find games a welcoming distraction until the dark days pass but would be interested in your thoughts on this. By the way you fucking rock Jim - keeping doing you doing you.


Hey Jim, thank you for all the hard work you do :) I wanted to ask, if things have ever gotten so heated, in regard to peoples behavior, that you ever seriously thought about calling it quits.

Jesse Dusk

Dear Jim, where did you get your life-size David Cage mask?


Hey Jim, what, in your opinion, is the value of love? And do you believe such a thing as unconditional love exists? &lt;3


Good Morning Jim, What, if any are your thoughts on the articles/tweets calling diablo fans, "trolls" and "entitled," for their reactions to Diablo Immortal? And what, if anything does this say about the state of video games journalism? <a href="https://imgur.com/a/ObaTbff" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/ObaTbff</a>


How do you have the drive and motivation to keep working on your own projects? What is your motto or daily plan?

Trevor Bond

I do wonder... what was the inspiration for Commentocracy?!

Snapping Snapper

Hello Jim, do you think that addressing gaming ecological impact, in the form of regular changes of hardware and the waste of ressources they create, combined with the intense use of bandwidth etc... is something that should be more openly talked about even if it's going to make many of us feel like shyte?


I apologize if this has already been asked; I never listened to the last one of these. But I do wanna know: will we ever get more of the Loose Boys? Episode One cracked me up.

Sterling Treadwell

What is your favorite place to vacation? And do you game still or vacation from gaming too?


We all know that Ekans is your favourite Pokemon ( definitely not Arbok) so I was wondering what game cemented this for you and why? Also, favourite move to use with it? Big love from the UK.


I know youve advicated game developers unionizing to help combat the *unacceptable* work conditions and crunch that many game studios impose on them but do you think theres any danger of unionization in a (supposidly) creative industry having negative consequences for independant games devepment? From the many jimquisitions on the topic i agree something needs to be done but is the suppression of the only portion of the game industry not working to churn out endless sequals a potential casualty?


&lt;not a="" question=""&gt; also, good on you for taking the opportunity to step into something you seem to love (wrestling) and not letting the fact that your not at the peak of phyical fitness hold you back from participating. Comedy wrestling is the core that helps makes the serious stuff worth watching. &lt;/not&gt;


Is there a movie or tv show that you know, objectively, would count as "not good" but still love anyway? For example, for me it's the FF7 Advent Children Complete movie.

Jason Youngberg

Early in Podquisition you used the phrase "have a wank" as a suggestion for people to relax. You haven't used it lately. Why? And is there a female version of that phrase?


It has been a stressful period of my life and I can’t enjoy my favorite games like I used to do (Dark souls, league of legends) What games do you play to relax or have “happy fun time”?


Did you ever cover/have any thoughts on Resonance of Fate? I never heard of it until the remaster came out recently. The battle system is to die for but the pony-tailed creep of playable character gives me the heebie geebies


If you could feud with any wrestler, past or present, who would it be? What kind of angle/storyline would you run?


Big fan all the way from Fiji saying Hi! Could you give us a rundown of how you produce each Jimquisition episode? Doesn't have to be indepth, just a general 'script written this way, shoot at this place with this set up, editing takes x hours, general timeline of production' sort of description. Cheers!


You mentioned your wife a few times, how does she help you out in your day to day?


Also, where is chip?


(I might be too late, sod it I'll ask one anyway!) I've been thinking about my last question regarding underappreciated monsters in horror games and I extended that train of thought to thematic settings. We're both from England (I'm from the West Midlands and I think you mentioned being from Erith) so outside of the stereotypical crumpets n' cricket ideal that the wider world often has of our country, we both know what predominantly working class areas of England are actually like - less "We Happy Few" and more Tim Roth's "Made in Britain". My actual question then: What do you think of the concept of a survival horror game set in an impoverished contemporary English town or a "rough part" of a city (think Digbeth in Birmingham, or the Elephant &amp; Castle estate in London) without being drenched in arch irony and self-awareness. Would you even find that desirable as a setting? I'm from Tamworth and I sometimes wonder what a Silent Hill game set here would be like, because I'm bit peculiar like that... :p


Thoughts on the Shantae series?

Shapie Starberrie

Question: Do you think Indie Devs, Game Pundits, &amp; Journalist, should always but sometimes never back up Publisher's or Developers' even they want to try to understand (but don't get) outrage/backlash.


I think the Japanese have a phrase for it that roughly translates as "flicking the lightswitch". If I recall correctly I think I read that in Adam Jacot de Boinod's book "I Never Knew There Was a Word For It". Gave me a chuckle at any rate... :3

Benjamin Richards

Jim, I know I’m late, but wondering if you are aware how popular you are on leftist (politically) subreddits, particularly the Chapo Trap House (if you are not familiar you really should check it out) sub, which is how I found out about your show.


(Hoping you are sitll taking this question in the 4th ask-Sterling) Hi again Jim! This time around I've got 2 questions for you! First: What is your Go-To Game for Downtime? You mentioned it was Isaac in the past so I wanted to know if that changed. Second question: How did you come up with your iconic phrase 'Thank GOD for me'? Also, if you could change it to any other phrase, what would you change it to?