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I watched the Star Wars Battlefront trailer like everybody else, and my not-so-excited reaction to it made me realize just how jaded and skeptical I've truly become. I mean, I've always known that, but this made me face up to it. It's not a nice way to be, and I'd love to hop on the hype train time and again. Will I accept any responsibility for being such a Doubting Thomas though? HELL NO!


Star Wars Battlefront Made Me Realize I'm A Cynical Prick (The Jimquisition)



What's with the crawfish/shrimp thing that you use so often in your videos? I can't help but think it was from an earlier video that I missed but I can't ever seem to find out the meaning.


Cut thoughtful cynicism and scepticism are the reason why I consume my favourite content creators. Or their content. Especially when it comes to marketing messages of any form. If you said "Yeah, this looks nice and they promise this and that", it wouldn't be very valuable, would it. I think it's only sensible to be sceptical towards something or someone, who has betrayed their customers' trust more than once.


Just you wait until it gets rushed to be released before Episode VII in a bugged and unplayable state, with multiplayer/matchmaking issues and everything.


I'm with you Jim, I feel pretty like that a lot. I mean, there was a Time when I almost blindy trustet Ubisoft and loved almost everything they done, put that Name on a Game these days and no matter how good it looks I will have zero interest. And its like that for a lot of the TripleA Guys, even ones who never actually did anything wrong to me. That new Batman Game? Zero interest, altough I love the other ones and Rocksteady never did anything wrong. I don't even understand myself. I really would like to be hyped for that Game. But its thank god not always like that. I was totaly hyped for Bloodborne or Pillars of Eternity, and I'm hyped for Witcher 3 and Xenoblade, so I'm not lost yet ^^


Christ. It's as if you were in my head when I saw this "reveal". This game will look only slightly better than hardline on console when it's really shown off. If we're lucky.


Now here, i could make a snarky comment about how i for a second thought i had accidentally clicked an old video, but i won't, instead i'll make an earnest point: How many times are you going to beat this particular dead horse, Jim? I know it's a bee in everyone's bonnet, but you've bloody well done hype being bullshit. There are many and interesting topics to be covered out there, so please give them a gander!

Jason Youngberg

If the SW video we saw is "actual gameplay footage" then what button makes the speeder bike rider look behind him or makes the rebels look up in shock and awe at the AT-AT coming down on them? It could be a cutscene but cutscenes aren't gameplay!


|O 10K IN MONTH... omg just give me 2000-3000 for credit XC damn...


Probably when it stops being an ongoing issues I'd imagine.


get one of those giant rubber masks that goes all the way to your crotch... $5 a month


As always, I thank God for Jim, for he gives voice to my thoughts. And such were my thoughts, not only when I saw the trailer, but when I learned that EA was making Battlefront. Had I been there at its management conception, I would have already been jaded about Battlefront. Setting aside that this is EA, setting aside that there are no space battles, setting aside that it is any AAA publisher aside from Paradox (which still does DLC but at least gives huge value for it and the base games they publish), the fact that this is not called Battlefront 3 speaks volumes. This is Battlefront. Can you think of another game that has had its iteration removed for marking reasons? SimCity 5, also known as "SimCity." Because that's what they want you to do: Forget that there was a higher standard and eat up their shit. And the funny thing is, video games are probably the one area in which I am a complete cynic. When it comes to the human condition and other far more important matters, I am a zealous optimist. That alone speaks volumes of how perverse the gaming industry. Now, if you will excuse me, I must go drool over Bloodborne and lament how it is currently a blood console exclusive... pun very much intended.


Started deploring (staged/cinematic) trailers some years ago. I realized at best, they might be somewhat entertaining (WoW trailers), at worst, they'd chew off a bit of the actual games enoyability. "GAME ENGINE FOOTAGE" Damn right it's GAME ENGINE FOOTAGE but the actual game won't look like that, won't play like that and won't feel that epic. "GAME ENGINE FOOTAGE" is only added to fool the easily fooled. A:"Did you see the new Star Wars: Battlefront trailer? It looks so good" B:"Yeah but I don't think the actual game will look that good" A:"It said GAME ENGINE FOOTAGE" B:"Oh right. Cool"


Easy, it wasn't gameplay footage. It was just in-engine.


Jim, I feel you. I have been feeling this since not this reveal, but since the very first announcement ages ago. "New Star Wars Battlefront" - OH GOD YES "Made by EA and DICE" - Oh fuck, I'm giving this one a miss. And similarly, about a year ago, I was eager for everything. Pre ordered a dozen games, loved reveal trailers, and got caught up in hype trains. Now, the bigger a hype train is, the more I know - not think, not feel, but fucking know - the game is going to utterly suck. And if its any game coming from EA.... Yeah. Yeah, its gonna suck hard.


I'm sorry, but my 3rd degree burns leave me unable to ever trust a AAA Publisher/Dev at their word. Too many times they make huge spectacles of their games, and far too many times they fail to make good on that hype.