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Finishing up the rest of the questions, covering all sorts of interesting things. Y'all know how to ask stuff! This one comes out at roughly 90 minutes like the last one. You could listen to both and still have time for a bit of one of the Lord of the Rings films. 

Thanks so much for the questions and the fantastic response to the last installment. I'll have another question gathering post in the near future! 



Michael Towns (gamebuoygames)

More of a request than a question buuuut any chance you'll ever wear the penis tie again haha?


Hi Jim, thanks for the episode again. Echoing what has been said last time, would it be possible to enable RSS for this? <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213557023-How-do-I-enable-audio-RSS-for-my-patrons-)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213557023-How-do-I-enable-audio-RSS-for-my-patrons-)</a>

Tim Albers

Thanks for your Answer. The business day at gamescom is much less crowded than the days you see in the media. Maybe join forces with Laura and so a doubletrip. take Gav hostage on the way. ;) Cheers mate


If you could manage any wrestler(s) from a previous era, who would you pick?


Hey Jim, have you heard of "Crate Creatures Surprise Flingers"? They're VERY Boglinesque, down to boxes looking like cages and being and make noises when you pull the tongues. My local Walgreens has some "Stubbs" ones if you were interested.

Serenity ✨

Thank you so much for these extra podcasts. I just want to add my voice to Markus' and possibly others and ask if you could please enable an RSS feed so we can use 3rd party podcast apps to listen to these on the go. Much appreciated, sir!


Remember, this thread is not a questions thread. I'll put up posts asking for questions, so save them until then. &lt;3


I can't listen to the podcast. It says 0.00 as if it didn't exist.


35:00: can the Duke actually host a Jimquisition sometime down the line? Because that would be pretty cool, not going to lie hahaha


Another great listen while I'm coding. Thanks for answering my question, Jim. Sounds like there is hope of some fun interviews with some of your developer contacts at some point. p.s. Keep on not eating breakfast. You're no idiot. I don't eat any either! Look up Intermittent Fasting and see if it makes sense for you.


Sorry about my question. In retrospect it really wasn’t all that funny.


I get really upset by the bigotry in games too....it affects my health


Thanks for answering my question about the underrated mummy and other underutilised monsters in horror games, I'm definitely looking forward the next Jimquisition. Now I can't stop picturing every zombie franchise I can remember, except the hordes of groaning zombies have been replaced by cackling skeletons doing funny walks. But in all seriousness I think skeletons as an antagonist have had an "image problem" for a few decades now. They tend to perceived as the goofier out-of-touch grandparents of more ostensibly extreme undead types - not that zombies or vampires can't be deliberately or accidentally silly, they've just fared better than poor underrated skeletons in the media stakes. Too often the skulled-and-boned-ones are perceived more as Halloween set dressing than legitimate threat. I reckon it's about time skeletons get a game that reinvigorates the archetype. Given how often you'll come across bone littered scenes and spaces in the average horror game, imagine how much tension you could potentially create if a title establishes early on in that the pile of mouldering ribs and teeth you walked past could get up and clatter towards you, out of sheer malignant fury for having it's eternal grim slumber disturbed.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. I like GOG a lot- in fact, I think I purchase more games from them than from Steam, these days- but I don't know much about the specifics of how their curation system works; such information seemed a bit thin on the ground, last I looked, beyond a kind of "we'll look at your game and decide if it's a good match". It may be that's easier for the somewhat smaller GOG to get away with that than Steam; "kingmaker" status makes it that much more likely people will raise hell or get litigious if the curation process isn't transparent, or seems arbitrary or unfair. As terrible as the results of allowing an algorithm to decide the worthiness of something as complex as a game might be, it has the small advantage that it can be argued to be consistent, and gives a degree of separation if the software makes a mistake. ("Oh, we'll fix that in the next patch", writ large...) With a human team doing curation, you're either giving them very strict rules (and basically expecting them to act like machines) or you're opening yourself up to the aforementioned rage when humans behave like humans, in all their flawed, capricious, inconsistent glory. Not to mention the burnout- can you imagine playing twenty sub-par Unity zombie shooters a day for a living? I wish I had a solution up my sleeve.


Hey so for my Halo on PC question, basically Microsoft has kept the Halo series as mostly X-Box exclusive. They've released Halo Combat Evolved and Halo 2 onto the PC but held back on the rest of them. Halo CE and 2 sold well on the PC and many PC gamers are frustrated that Microsoft hasn't seen fit to release the other games and take advantage of cross platform play for Microsoft games.


Thanks very much for answering my question Jim, my coping strategies are similar to yours in a lot of ways. Take care Jim and good luck with your CBT :)


Thanks again Jim, I really very enjoy it.


I have been watching your videos for... four years or something, fuck if I know... and it felt really nice that you read our questions. It's a small thing, but it felt good that there was this small moment of both-sided acknowledgment, even if it was 'just' a question and an answer. &lt;3 Also concerning that 'your fans' friends don't like you': All my friends like you as well, even my gf enjoys your content, so.. there you go. :P

Twit In A Hat

Does anyone else picture Jim reading these in the full Jim Fucking Sterling Son Jimquisition getup? Because I can't not.


Thanks for answering my question, even though I was...less than concise. I wanted to be really clear about what I meant. I thought your answer with regards to Google and Patreon was smart, so again, thanks.


does anyone else picture jim in his duke cape and a pair of boglin undies and little else while reading these? because i can't not XD


Uhm Jim i didnt get a mail notifying me about this, so almost missed it if you hadnt mentioned it on Podquisition.....dont know if im the only one but maybe something to look into?....and no my notification isnt in the spam folder :/


Thanks, Jim! Loving the mental image of your character dragging someone out of the theatre and then meekly apologising to the police :D


Mr. Sterling, if you have never seen Trigun, that would be the perfect anime to get you more into it as a genre. Love the show, thanks for the Q&amp;A!