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The first half of the first round of questions have been answered! Thank you for the abundance of queries. So this is the first Asking Sterling, in which I answer questions from patrons who have questions they wanna ask. Hope you like it... I did a lot of talking! 




94 min. Daaamn better put the tea on.


I didn't ask a question but this is super cool thanks Jim


You're welcome. Least I could do for the patrons is give them a Q&A opportunity.


Gonna grab a cup of tea, put On a a simple game and listen to this Jim goodness.


Is this going to go up in the Jimquisition podcast feed, or just here on Patreon?


Jim. We dont want an ashens boglin watch. We want a jim boglin and pog channel. You just put anything which would sink your channel on its own like MXR mods does. Just a fun place to spit ball random formats safely. You should really consider this we want your odd ball content :) Boglin watch 2019!


its true, i miss boglin watch and i have never even been in close vicinity to a boglin irl


Thanks for this Jim! Also, a pumpkin fursona is totally legit.

Thomas Halpin

To clarify, a guy like me is incredibly nosy about other people's private lives.


Thank you for all of your work. It brings joy to my day.


Dicefunk question made me lol as id thought same thing. You could record some audio logs for them to find like last seasons poetry


Ooh, an hour and a half? I might go on a drive...


Right, so you said you'd take out Ian in the first 5 minutes, gotcha. :U lemme just shepherd that over to his Patreon, see how that plays out. At this point, I just wanna see the two worlds collide, ideally in a fight of honour U:


OMG you read mine! *Fangirls*

Perpetual Noob

This was really fun. Thank you for your candor and taking the time to talk with us for so long. I'm very excited for future Patreodcasts. :)


I'm listening to this while doing some coding on my game. Totally works in the background without being intrusive. I'm going to dig up some old Jimquisition podcasts when this has finished.

Ben Shepherd

Jim, love your stuff man. My Patreon contribution is meager compared to many but I pay it because I wanna hear more Jim Sterling (son) in the future. Keep pushing those buttons brother! You're doing a grand job.


This is a great idea Jim, love it! Thanks for taking the time to throw this out there, hope it becomes a regular thing.


Thanks so much for the kind responses. <3


Really enjoyed this! You have a good dose of patience :P

Twit In A Hat

Those questions were way more interesting than anything I could think of.


I’m sure this has been answered elsewhere but is there a way to download the podcast for offline listening on an iPhone?


Thank you Jim, I really enjoy listening to this.


I love hearing Jim speak.


Thanks for answering questions Jim. <3 I look forward to finding out if you like pineapple pizza or not.


Would it be possible to enable the podcast RSS (<a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213557023-How-do-I-enable-audio-RSS-for-my-patrons-)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213557023-How-do-I-enable-audio-RSS-for-my-patrons-)</a> feature for this? Then this podcast could live happily among its brethren in my podcast app. :D


It was awesome thanks for doing this, can't wait for the next one. I do feel bad now that I didn't filter though some of the previous questions before asking my question as you have already answered it. Anyway, will do better next time. Cheers


This was a great podcast, Jim. I'd love to hear more of these!


Thanks, Jim. Regarding the "devastating effect" of the YouTube changes and accusations of melodrama (45:55), the evidence is there. For example, the impact on Pretty Good Gaming.


Good idea, maybe he's just not enabled it yet like his other feeds.. I googled and bumped into <a href="http://www.thejimquisition.com/tag/podcast/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.thejimquisition.com/tag/podcast/</a> where there is an RSS link to <a href="http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:125332894/sounds.rss" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:125332894/sounds.rss</a> which I have entered into my podcast app but it's the "Jimquisition" feed and doesn't seem to include this episode. Is this a whole new feed called "Asking Sterling" that would have its own RSS URL?


I'd join a totemic Monsters In My Pocket religion in a heartbeat. It might be my spiritual calling. I enjoyed this a lot Jim, I'm looking forward to the next one.


GRETA STUFF! sterdust wrestling manager sim in the style of fallout shelter! I would buy that game


Just catching up on this now. Really interesting and fun, thanks!


Thank you for the interrogation


If you do come to the UK, you should go on RHLSTP. I really think you could have a one on one with Richard Herring there and that would be a dream crossover for many of us